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Carlotta Coccoli, architect, holds a Ph.D. in Preservation of Architectural Heritage and is a specialist in the restoration of monuments. She is Associate Professor of Architectural Preservation at the University of Brescia. Her main field of research is the protection of cultural (mainly architectural) heritage in the event of armed conflict. In particular, she studied the organization of the ‘Subcommission of Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives’ in Italy and Japan during the Second World War, from the time of her Ph.D. thesis up to two fellowships at Italian and Japanese Universities. She has written and lectured on this topic both in Italy and abroad (Tokyo, Gakushuin Women’s College; Munich, Zentralinstituts für Kunstgeschichte; Swansea, Swansea University; Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado; London, Victoria&Albert Museum). Among her publications are: “Repertorio dei fondi dell’Archivio Centrale dello Stato relativi alla tutela dei monumenti italiani dalle offese belliche nella seconda guerra mondiale” (2008); “Il destino del patrimonio artistico bresciano durante la seconda guerra mondiale” (2010); “I «fortilizi inespugnabili della civiltà italiana»: la protezione antiaerea del patrimonio monumentale italiano durante la seconda guerra mondiale” (2010); “«First Aid and Repairs»: il ruolo degli Alleati nella salvaguardia dei monumenti italiani” (2011); “Die Denkmäler Italiens und der Krieg: Präventiver Schutz, Erste Hilfe und Instandsetzungen. Die Rolle der Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives Subcommission in Italien während des Zweiten Weltkriegs” (2012); “1943 - 1945: «Il patrimonio artistico bresciano distrutto dalle bombe dei “liberatori”». La cronaca dei danni e della ricostruzione monumentale attraverso la stampa periodica” (2013). She is co-editor of “Guerra, monumenti, ricostruzione. Architetture e centri storici italiani nel secondo conflitto mondiale” (Marsilio,Venezia 2011), “Monumenti, paesaggio e città nella ricostruzione postbellica del Giappone” (FrancoAngeli, Milano 2014), “Britain at war. Damages, debates, reconstruction during and after the Second World War” (FrancoAngeli, Milano 2018) and the author of the book “Monumenti violati. Danni bellici e riparazioni in Italia nel 1943-1945: il ruolo degli Alleati” (Nardini, Firenze 2017).
In 2014, on behalf of the American Academy in Rome and the Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rome she organized (with Lutz Klinkhammer) the international conference “Art and War. Destruction and Protection of Italian Heritage, 1943-1945 /Arte e guerra. Protezione e distruzione del patrimonio artistico italiano 1943-1945”.
She is author of more then 70 scholarly publications and conference presentations.
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