Personal information
Bachelor in Cultural Management (Produção Cultural) from Universidade Federal Fluminense (2004), Master in Public Policies and Human Education (Políticas Públicas e Formação Humana) from Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2008), PhD in Urban and Regional Planning (Planejamento Urbano e Regional) from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2013). He is currently Professor of the Institute of Art and Social Communication (IACS) of the Universidade Federal Fluminense, working in the Undergraduate Course in Cultural Management (Produção Cultural). Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in Culture and Territorialities (Cultura e Territorialidades), from the same university. CNPQ Extension Scholarship (2014) CNPq / MinC / SEC, no. 80/2013. FAPERJ Scholarship Announcement Young Scientist of Our State (JCNE) (2017-2019). Member of the Brazilian Network of Culture Economics. Leader of the research group "Culture, politics and territory", and coordinator of the research group "Culture, politics, identity and productive logic", both registered in the CNPq Research Groups Directory.