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Works (24)

Extremely high frequency Schottky diodes based on single GaN nanowires

2023-06-11 | Journal article
Contributors: K Yu Shugurov; A M Mozharov; V V Fedorov; S A Blokhin; V V Neplokh; I S Mukhin
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Study of Schottky Diodes Based on an Array of Silicon Wires Obtained by Cryogenic Dry Etching

Technical Physics Letters
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Baranov, A., I; Kudryashov, D. A.; Uvarov, A., V; Morozov, I. A.; Shugurov, K. Yu; Maksimova, A. A.; Vyacheslavova, E. A.; Gudovskikh, A. S.
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Study of the electrical properties of InAs nanowires / Si substrate for IR photodetector

International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO)
2022 | Conference paper
Contributors: A.M. Mozharov; V.V. Fedorov; K. Yu. Shugurov; A.A. Vorobyev; D.A. Kudryashov
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Сверхвысокочастотные диоды Шоттки на основе одиночных нитевидных нанокристаллов GaN

Technical Physics Letters
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: К.Ю. Шугуров; А.М. Можаров; Г.А. Сапунов; В.В. Фёдоров; Э.И. Моисеев; С.А. Блохин; А.Г. Кузьменков; И.С. Мухин
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Focused ion beam milling based formation of nanochannels in silicon-glass microfluidic chips for the study of ion transport

Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Lebedev, Denis; Malyshev, Grigory; Ryzhkov, Ilya; Mozharov, Alexey; Shugurov, Konstantin; Sharov, Vladislav; Panov, Maxim; Tumkin, Ilya; Afonicheva, Polina; Evstrapov, Anatoly et al.
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The SU-8 spin-coating on silicon nanowires formed by cryogenic dry etching

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: A I Baranov; D A Kudyashov; I A Morozov; K Yu Shugurov; A V Uvarov; A A Maximova; E A Vyacheslavova; A S Gudovskikh
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Исследование диодов Шоттки на основе массива кремниевых волокон, полученных сухим криогенным травлением

Technical Physics Letters
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: А.И. Баранов; Д.А. Кудряшов; А.В. Уваров; И.А. Морозов; К.Ю. Шугуров; А.А. Максимова; Е.А. Вячеславова; А.С. Гудовских
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Red GaPAs/GaP Nanowire-Based Flexible Light-Emitting Diodes

2021-09-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Vladimir Neplokh; Vladimir Fedorov; Alexey Mozharov; Fedor Kochetkov; Konstantin Shugurov; Eduard Moiseev; Nuño Amador-Mendez; Tatiana Statsenko; Sofia Morozova; Dmitry Krasnikov et al.
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Single GaN Nanowires for Extremely High Current Commutation

physica status solidi (RRL) – Rapid Research Letters
2021-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Konstantin Shugurov; Alexey Mozharov; Georgiy Sapunov; Vladimir Fedorov; Maria Tchernycheva; Ivan Mukhin
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Capacitance characterization of silicon nanowires formed by cryogenic dry etching

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: A I Baranov; D A Kudryashov; L N Dvoretckaia; I A Morozov; A V Uvarov; E A Vyacheslavova; K Yu Shugurov; A S Gudovskikh
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GaN nanowires/ p-Si interface passivation by hydrogen plasma treatment

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: K Yu Shugurov; A M Mozharov; A D Bolshakov; V V Fedorov; A V Uvarov; D A Kudryashov; V Yu Mikhailovskii; G E Cirlin; I S Mukhin
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Influence of wet etching in KOH on defects in silicon nanowires formed by cryogenic dry etching

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: A I Baranov; D A Kudryashov; I A Morozov; A V Uvarov; K Yu Shugurov; A S Gudovskikh
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Novel design strategy for GaAs-based solar cell by application of single-walled carbon nanotubes topmost layer

Energy Science & Engineering
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Mitin, Dmitry M.; Bolshakov, Alexey D.; Neplokh, Vladimir; Mozharov, Alexey M.; Raudik, Sergei A.; Fedorov, Vladimir V.; Shugurov, Konstantin Yu.; Mikhailovskii, Vladimir Yu.; Rajanna, Pramod M.; Fedorov, Fedor S. et al.
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Numerical study of Schottky diode based on single GaN NW on Si

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: K Yu Shugurov; A M Mozharov; I S Mukhin
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Hydrogen passivation of the n-GaN nanowire/p-Si heterointerface

2020-03-27 | Journal article
Contributors: K Yu Shugurov; A M Mozharov; A D Bolshakov; V V Fedorov; G A Sapunov; I V Shtrom; A V Uvarov; D A Kudryashov; A I Baranov; V Yu Mikhailovskii et al.
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Conductive AFM study of the electronic properties of individual epitaxial GaN nanowires

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Sharov, V.; Bolshakov, A.; Fedorov, V.; Shugurov, K.Yu.; Mozharov, A.M.; Sapunov, G.A.; Mukhin, I.S.
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Effects of the surface preparation and buffer layer on the morphology, electronic and optical properties of the GaN nanowires on Si

2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Bolshakov, A. D.; Fedorov, V. V.; Shugurov, K. Yu; Mozharov, A. M.; Sapunov, G. A.; Shtrom, I., V; Mukhin, M. S.; Uvarov, A., V; Cirlin, G. E.; Mukhin, I. S.
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GaN-nanowire/Si solar cell: numerical modeling, fabrication and characterization

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Shugurov, K.Yu.; Mozharov, A.M.; Sapunov, G.A.; Fedorov, V.V.; Bolshakov, A.D.; Cirlin, G.E.; Mukhin, I.S.
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Study of SiC buffer layer thickness influence on photovoltaic properties of n-GaN NWs/SiC/p-Si heterostructure

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Shugurov, K. Yu; Reznik, R. R.; Mozharov, A. M.; Kotlyar, K. P.; Koval, O. Yu; Osipov, A., V; Fedorov, V. V.; Shtrom, I., V; Bolshakov, A. D.; Kukushkin, S. A. et al.
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GaN nanowires on Si (111) substrates via molecular beam epitaxy: growth, electronic and optical properties

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: A.D. Bolshakov; V.V. Fedorov; G.A. Sapunov; A.M. Mozharov; L.N. Dvoreckaia; K. Shugurov; V. Shkoldin; I.V. Shtrom; M.S. Mukhin; G.E. Cirlin et al.
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Influence of hydrogen plasma passivation on electrical and spectral characteristics of GaN nanowires / Si solar cells

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: K U Shugurov; A M Mozharov; V V Fedorov; A D Bolshakov; G A Sapunov; I S Mukhin
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Influence of interface layer preparation on the electrical and spectral characteristics of GaN/Si solar cells

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Shugurov, K. U.; Mozharov, A. M.; Sapunov, G. A.; Fedorov, V. V.; Bolshakov, A. D.; Mukhin, I. S.
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Microlens-Enhanced Substrate Patterning and MBE Growth of GaP Nanowires

2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Bolshakov, A. D.; Dvoretckaia, L. N.; Fedorov, V. V.; Sapunov, G. A.; Mozharov, A. M.; Shugurov, K. Yu.; Shkoldin, V. A.; Mukhin, M. S.; Cirlin, G. E.; Mukhin, I. S.
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Self-Catalyzed MBE-Grown GaP Nanowires on Si(111): V/III Ratio Effects on the Morphology and Crystal Phase Switching

2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Fedorov, V. V.; Bolshakov, A. D.; Dvoretckaia, L. N.; Sapunov, G. A.; Kirilenko, D. A.; Mozharov, A. M.; Shugurov, K. Yu.; Shkoldin, V. A.; Cirlin, G. E.; Mukhin, I. S.
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