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Works (13)

A systematic review and meta-analysis on the prevalence of infectious diseases of Duck: A world perspective

Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Sharanagouda S. Patil; Rajamani Shinduja; Kuralayanapalya Puttahonnappa Suresh; Sulekha Phukan; Sachin Kumar; Pinaki Prasad Sengupta; Raghavendra G. Amachawadi; Ashwin Raut; Parimal Roy; Asad Syed et al.
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Avidin-Biotin recombinant nucleoprotein competitive ELISA for the detection of peste des petits ruminants virus antibodies in sheep and goats

Journal of Virological Methods
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: V. Balamurugan; Bibitha Varghese; S. SowjanyaKumari; K. Vinod Kumar; D. Muthuchelvan; M. Nagalingam; D. Hemadri; Parimal Roy; B.R. Shome
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Prevalence of anti-leptospiral antibodies and frequency distribution of Leptospira serovars in small ruminants in enzootic South Peninsular India

Veterinary World
2021-08-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Vinayagamurthy Balamurugan; Anusha Alamuri; Kirubakaran Vinod Kumar; Bibitha Varghese; Gurrappanaidu Govindaraj; Divakar Hemadri; Parimal Roy
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Spatial seroprevalence of classical swine fever in India

Tropical Animal Health and Production
2021-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Sharanagouda S. Patil; Kuralayanapalya Puttahonnappa Suresh; Divakar Hemadri; Jagadish Hiremath; Rajangam Sridevi; Paramanadham Krishnamoorthy; Sandeep Bhatia; Parimal Roy
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Evaluation of the diagnostic potential of recombinant leptospiral OMP A‐like protein (Loa22) and transmembrane (OmpL37) protein in latex agglutination test for serodiagnosis of leptospirosis in animals

Letters in Applied Microbiology
2021-06 | Journal article
Contributors: V. Balamurugan; S.R.A. Thirumalesh; A. Alamuri; S. SowjanyaKumari; K. Vinod Kumar; L. Linshamol; V. Bharath; M. Nagalingam; P. Roy
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Avidin-Biotin recombinant antigen capture ELISA for the detection of peste des petits ruminants virus in the clinical specimens of sheep and goats

Journal of Virological Methods
2021-05 | Journal article
Contributors: V. Balamurugan; Bibitha Varghese; S. Sowjanya Kumari; K. Vinod Kumar; D. Muthuchelvan; M. Nagalingam; Parimal Roy
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Veterinary World
2021-03-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Mohandoss Nagalingam; Thaslim J. Basheer; Vinayagamurthy Balamurugan; Rajeswari Shome; S. Sowjanya Kumari; G. B. Manjunatha Reddy; Bibek Ranjan Shome; Habibur Rahman; Parimal Roy; J. Joseph Kingston et al.
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Temporal and Spatial Epidemiological Analysis of Peste Des Petits Ruminants Outbreaks from the Past 25 Years in Sheep and Goats and Its Control in India

2021-03-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Vinayagamurthy Balamurugan; Kirubakaran Vinod Kumar; Ramesh Dheeraj; Rashmi Kurli; Kuralayanapalya Puttahonnappa Suresh; GurrappaNaidu Govindaraj; Bibek Ranjan Shome; Parimal Roy
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Veterinary World
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Vinayagamurthy Balamurugan; Bibitha Varghese; Kirubakaran Vinod Kumar; Dhanavelu Muthuchelvan; R. Dheeraj; Gurrappanaidu Govindaraj; Kuralayanapalya Puttahonnappa Suresh; Divakar Hemadri; Parimal Roy
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Veterinary World
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: S. Phani Kashyap; Jagadish Hiremath; S. Vinutha; Sharanagouda S. Patil; Kuralayanapalya P. Suresh; Parimal Roy; Divakar Hemadri
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Veterinary World
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Sharanagouda S. Patil; Kuralayanapalya Puttahonnappa Suresh; Vikram Vashist; Awadhesh Prajapati; Bramhadev Pattnaik; Parimal Roy
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Evaluation of effectiveness of Mass Vaccination Campaign against Peste des petits ruminants in Chhattisgarh state, India

Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
2019-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Gurrappa Naidu Govindaraj; Goutam Roy; Barada Shankar Mohanty; Vinayagamurthy Balamurugan; Arvind Kumar Pandey; Varsha Sharma; Aparna Patel; Mausam Mehra; S. K. Pandey; Parimal Roy
Source: check_circle

Fatal peste des petits ruminants disease in Chowsingha

Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
2017-08-14 | Journal article
Contributors: S. Jaisree; R. P. Aravindhbabu; P. Roy; M. G. Jayathangaraj
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