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Works (8)

Metagenomic Profiling of Soil Microbial Communities in Chromium-Contaminated Tannery Sludge

Geomicrobiology Journal
2025-02-24 | Journal article
Contributors: M. Sinduja; M. Maheswari; Sathya Velusamy; Shobana Narayanasamy; G. K. Dinesh; P. Dhevagi; Shiv Prasad; P. Kalpana
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Effect of Nano-Formulated Agrochemicals on Rhizospheric Communities in Millets

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: S. Karthika; G. K. Dinesh; S. Ragul; M. Sinduja; V. Sathya; L. Sivashankari; P. Divyabharathi; A. Elangovan; Shiv Prasad
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Strategic study of adsorption and desorption of chromium on vertisols and its implication in developing an effective remediation technology

International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
2023-12-20 | Journal article
Contributors: V. Sathya; M. Sinduja; P. Kalpana; M. Maheswari; M.R. Ramasubramaniyan; S. Mahimairaja
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Effect of Conservation Agriculture Practices on Carbon Pools in a Sandy Loam Soil of Indo-Gangetic Plains

Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis
2023-11-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Govindaraj Kamalam Dinesh; Dinesh Kumar Sharma; Shankar Lal Jat; Kalikinkar Bandyopadhyay; Cherukumalli Srinivasa Rao; Veluswamy Venkatramanan; Praveen Vasant Kadam; Murugaiyan Sinduja; Velusamy Sathya; Sethupathi Nedumaran et al.
Source: check_circle

Chemical transformation and bioavailability of chromium in the contaminated soil amended with bioamendments

Bioremediation Journal
2023-07-03 | Journal article
Contributors: M. Sinduja; V. Sathya; M. Maheswari; P. Kalpana; P. Dhevagi; G. K. Dinesh; T. Chitdeshwari
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Phytoextraction Potential of Chrysanthemum and Cumbu Napier Hybrid Grass to Remediate Chromium-Contaminated Soils Using Bioamendments

International Journal of Environmental Research
2023-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Murugaiyan Sinduja; Velusamy Sathya; Muthunalliappan Maheswari; Govindaraj Kamalam Dinesh; Periyasamy Dhevagi; Shiv Prasad; Kovilpillai Boomiraj; Palani Kalpana
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Groundwater quality assessment for agricultural purposes at Vellore District of Southern India: A geospatial based study

Urban Climate
2023-01 | Journal article
Contributors: M. Sinduja; V. Sathya; M. Maheswari; G.K. Dinesh; Shiv Prasad; P. Kalpana
Source: check_circle

Evaluation and speciation of heavy metals in the soil of the Sub Urban Region of Southern India

Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal
2022-11-17 | Journal article
Contributors: M. Sinduja; V. Sathya; M. Maheswari; P. Dhevagi; P. Kalpana; G. K. Dinesh; Shiv Prasad
Source: check_circle