Personal information
I am an associate professor at the Department of Informatics of Universidade do Minho and a senior researcher at HASLab/INESC TEC. I hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science from The University of York, and I work on the application of formal software engineering techniques and tools to the modelling and analysis of interactive systems. I am particularly interested in bringing closer the software engineering (SE) and human-computer interaction (HCI) fields.
Current and recent funded research includes: model-based testing of user interfaces; prototyping of ambience intelligence systems using virtual reality simulations; reverse engineering for the analysis and transformation of the user interface layer of software systems; formal modelling and analysis of interactive systems; and model checking of the control logic of industrial machinery.
I am a member of IFIP WG 2.7/13.4 on User Interface Engineering. I serve in the steering committee of the EICS series of conferences (currently as chair) and in the editorial board of Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction.
Employment (3)
Education and qualifications (1)
Professional activities (6)
Funding (10)
FCOMP-01-0202-FEDER- 023137