Personal information
Admilson Veloso da Silva holds a Ph.D. in Communication Science (summa cum laude) from the Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary), a Master's Degree in Social Communication from PUC Minas (Catholic University of Minas Gerais), an MBA in Digital Communication and Social Media from University UNA, and a Bachelor's Degree in Social Communication - Journalism at Newton Paiva University. He developed a Scientific Initiation Project at this last institution, in partnership with Funadesp (National Foundation of Private Education) developing the research "The construction of virtual identity in social networking sites", between 2009 and 2010. He also worked as a Parliamentary Secretary for the Brazilian Lower House, as a reporter for the Web portal Hoje em Dia (, R7/Record group, and he also has experience in Management of Social Networks, Multimedia Production for the Internet and Mobile Devices, he is a writer, blogger and was a columnist for the site Jornalirismo (
Education and qualifications (4)
Professional activities (2)
Works (11)