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Works (2)

Can Quality Improvement Methodologies Derived from Manufacturing Industry Improve Care in Cardiac Surgery? A Systematic Review

Journal of Clinical Medicine
2022-09-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Paulien Christine Hoefsmit; Stijn Schretlen; George Burchell; Jaap van den Heuvel; Jaap Bonjer; Max Dahele; Reinier Zandbergen
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Reducing surgical cancellations: a successful application of Lean Six Sigma in healthcare

BMJ Open Quality
2021-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Stijn Schretlen; Paulien Hoefsmit; Suzanne Kats; Godefridus van Merode; Jos Maessen; Reinier Zandbergen
Source: check_circle