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Alba Diez-Gracia is PhD in Communication Studies (International Mention, Cum Laude Mention) and vice-chair of the Young Scholars Network of the European Communication Research and Education Association. She's part of the Teaching Innovation Group "LabComIA" and the Research Projects "Politainment in the face of media fragmentation: disintermediation, engagement and polarization" and "Digital native media in Spain: Typologies, audiences, building trust and keys to journalistic sustainability".
At an international level, she's been the Young Representative for the ECREA Audiences and Reception Studies Section (2022-2024). She has collaborated with the European Project "Higher Education of Journalists in a Digital Environment" (University of Pula) and completed a three-month research stage at Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (University of Minho, Portugal).
Her lines of research mainly focus on digital journalism and audiences in the face of technological transformations and innovation, with papers about news production and consumption, clickbait, disintermediation and the application of AI.