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Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München Neurologische Klinik und Poliklinik: Munchen, Bayern, DE

Resident (Clinic of Neurology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Theo Zebhauser

Works (16)

Effects of centrally acting analgesics on resting-state electroencephalography biomarker candidates of chronic pain

The Journal of Pain
2025-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Paul Theo Zebhauser; Felix Bott; Cristina Gil Ávila; Henrik Heitmann; Elisabeth S. May; Laura Tiemann; Enayatullah Baki; Thomas R. Tölle; Markus Ploner
Source: check_circle

Assessing the balance between excitation and inhibition in chronic pain through the aperiodic component of EEG

2024-12-23 | Preprint
Contributors: Cristina Gil Avila; Elisabeth S May; Felix S Bott; Laura Tiemann; Vanessa Hohn; Henrik Heitmann; Paul Theo Zebhauser; Joachim Gross; Markus Ploner
Source: check_circle

Assessing the balance between excitation and inhibition in chronic pain through the aperiodic component of EEG

2024-12-23 | Preprint
Contributors: Cristina Gil Avila; Elisabeth S May; Felix S Bott; Laura Tiemann; Vanessa Hohn; Henrik Heitmann; Paul Theo Zebhauser; Joachim Gross; Markus Ploner
Source: check_circle

Assessing the balance between excitation and inhibition in chronic pain through the aperiodic component of EEG

2024-10-08 | Preprint
Contributors: Cristina Gil Avila; Elisabeth S May; Felix S Bott; Laura Tiemann; Vanessa Hohn; Henrik Heitmann; Paul Theo Zebhauser; Joachim Gross; Markus Ploner
Source: check_circle

Resting-State Electroencephalography and Magnetoencephalography in Migraine – A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

2024-08-07 | Preprint
Contributors: Paul Theo Zebhauser; Henrik Heitmann; Elisabeth S. May; Markus Ploner
Source: check_circle

Assessing the balance between excitation and inhibition in chronic pain through the aperiodic component of EEG

2024-07-24 | Preprint
Contributors: Cristina Gil Avila; Elisabeth S May; Felix S Bott; Laura Tiemann; Vanessa Hohn; Henrik Heitmann; Paul Theo Zebhauser; Joachim Gross; Markus Ploner
Source: check_circle

Effects of Centrally Acting Analgesics on Resting-State Electroencephalography Biomarker Candidates of Chronic Pain

2024-06-28 | Preprint
Contributors: Paul Theo Zebhauser; Felix Bott; Cristina Gil Avila; Henrik Heitmann; Elisabeth S. May; Laura Tiemann; Enayatullah Baki; Thomas R. Toelle; Markus Ploner
Source: check_circle

Neural correlates of transient topographical disorientation: an experimental EEG–MRI case study

Journal of Neurology
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Paul Theo Zebhauser; Marine Vernet; Sandra Nischwitz; Philipp G. Sämann; Anna-Katharine Brem
Source: check_circle

DISCOVER-EEG: an open, fully automated EEG pipeline for biomarker discovery in clinical neuroscience

2023-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Cristina Gil Ávila; Felix S. Bott; Laura Tiemann; Vanessa D. Hohn; Elisabeth S. May; Moritz M. Nickel; Paul Theo Zebhauser; Joachim Gross; Markus Ploner
Source: check_circle

Cerebrospinal fluid lactate levels along the Alzheimer’s disease continuum and associations with blood-brain barrier integrity, age, cognition, and biomarkers

Alzheimer's Research & Therapy
2022-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1758-9193
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Theo Zebhauser

Intranasal Oxytocin Modulates Decision-Making Depending on Outcome Predictability—A Randomized Within-Subject Controlled Trial in Healthy Males

2022-12-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2227-9059
Contributors: Paul Theo Zebhauser; Ana Macchia; Edward Gold; Stephanie Salcedo; Bethany Burum; Miguel Alonso-Alonso; Daniel T. Gilbert; Alvaro Pascual-Leone; Anna-Katharine Brem
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Theo Zebhauser

Resting state EEG and MEG as biomarkers of chronic pain: a systematic review.

2022-11-21 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Paul Theo Zebhauser; Vanessa Desirée Hohn; Markus Ploner
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Theo Zebhauser
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Characterization of cognitive impairment in adult polyglucosan body disease

Journal of Neurology
2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Paul Theo Zebhauser; Isabell Cordts; Holger Hengel; Bernhard Haslinger; Paul Lingor; Hasan Orhan Akman; Tobias B. Haack; Marcus Deschauer
Source: check_circle

Divergent effects of oxytocin on “mind-reading” in healthy males

Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience
2021-09-13 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1530-7026
Part of ISSN: 1531-135X
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Theo Zebhauser

Age-Dependency of Total Tau in the Cerebrospinal Fluid Is Corrected by Amyloid-β 1–40: A Correlational Study in Healthy Adults

Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
2021-07-09 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Theo Zebhauser

Visuospatial Neglect - a Theory-Informed Overview of Current and Emerging Strategies and a Systematic Review on the Therapeutic Use of Non-invasive Brain Stimulation.

Neuropsychology review
2019-11-20 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Theo Zebhauser