Personal information

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Employment (2)

Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit 5: San Diego, US

Medical Entomologist (Entomology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Riley Tedrow

Case Western Reserve University: Cleveland, Ohio, US

2015-08-07 to present | PhD Candidate (Department of Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Riley Tedrow

Education and qualifications (2)

Case Western Reserve University: Cleveland, OH, US

2015-08-24 to 2019-03-29 | PhD (Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Riley Tedrow

Case Western Reserve University: Cleveland, OH, US

2011-08-01 to 2015-05-16 | Biology, BA (Department of Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Riley Tedrow

Works (7)

Multiple Blood Feeding: A Force Multiplier for Transmission

Trends in Parasitology
2019-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Riley E. Tedrow; Peter A. Zimmerman; Karen C. Abbott
Source: check_circle

Manmade structures are used by an invasive species to colonize new territory across a fragmented landscape

Acta Oecologica
2019-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Iulian Gherghel; Riley Tedrow
Source: check_circle

Anopheles mosquito surveillance in Madagascar reveals multiple blood feeding behavior and Plasmodium infection

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
2019-07-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Riley E. Tedrow; Genevieve Milon; Tovonahary Rakotomanga; Thiery Nepomichene; Rosalind E. Howes; Jocelyn Ratovonjato; Arséne C. Ratsimbasoa; Gavin J. Svenson; Peter A. Zimmerman
Source: check_circle

A Novel Assay for Simultaneous Assessment of Mammalian Host Blood, Mosquito Species, and Plasmodium spp. in the Medically Important Anopheles Mosquitoes of Madagascar

The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
2019-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0002-9637
Contributors: Riley E. Tedrow; Joclyn Ratovonjato; Edward D. Walker; Arsene Ratsimbasoa; Peter A. Zimmerman
Source: Self-asserted source
Riley Tedrow via Crossref Metadata Search

Novel Insights into Malaria Vector Surveillance in Madagascar Using a Quadrant Enabled Screen Trap (QUEST) and Bloodmeal Detection Assay for Regional Transmission (BLOODART)

2019-01-25 | Other
Contributors: Riley E. Tedrow; Tovonahary Rakotomanga; Thiery Nepomichene; Jocelyn Ratovonjato; Arséne C. Ratsimbasoa; Gavin J. Svenson; Peter A. Zimmerman
Source: check_circle

A survey of the praying mantises of Rwanda, including new records (Insecta, Mantodea)

2015-10-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1175-5334
Source: Self-asserted source
Riley Tedrow
Preferred source (of 2)‎

A new species of Dystacta Saussure, 1871 from Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda (Insecta, Mantodea, Dystactinae)

2014-05 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1313-2970
Contributors: Gavin Svenson; Riley Tedrow; Nathan Kabanguka; Richard Nasasira
Source: Self-asserted source
Riley Tedrow via Crossref Metadata Search