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Supply Chain Management, Metaheuristic Algorithms, Uncertainty, Artificial Intelligence


Alireza Goli was born in Isfahan, Iran, in 1989. He received his Bachelor and Master Degree in Industrial Engineering from Golpayegan University of Technology (Iran, 2013) and Isfahan University of Technology (Iran, 2015) respectively. Then, he received a Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering from Yazd University (Iran, 2019). Now, he is an assistant professor at Isfahan University which is one of the famous universities in Iran. He has published an excessive number of papers in high-quality journals and conferences and has been serving as a reviewer in many reputed journals such as IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy System, Journal of Supercomputing, and Annals of Operations Research. He has reached an excellent reviewer in Publons in 2019. He has been serving as a reviewer in many reputed journals such as Supercomputing, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy System, and expert system with application. He is working as a member of the editorial board in different journals like Journal of Applied research in Industrial Engineering, and International Journal of Applied Optimization Studies. His current research interests include supply chain management, circular economy, meta-heuristic algorithms, robust optimization, artificial intelligence, portfolio management


Employment (1)

University of Isfahan: Isfahan, Isfahan, IR

Faculty member (Industrial Engineering and Future Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alireza Goli

Education and qualifications (1)

Yazd University: Yazd, Yazd, IR

2015-09-01 to 2019-05-01 | Ph.D. (Industrial Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Alireza Goli