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Industrial Engineer (University of Zaragoza - 1996) and postgraduate in environmental engineering (1997), and Ph.D. in Renewable energy and energy efficiency (2024).
Since 1996 he has been working in the wind energy sector, starting with TAIM-Nordtank, developing the first wind energy plan for Aragon, and conducting surveys and measurement campaigns. She headed the wind research department at NEG Micon and later at Vestas, being responsible for wind resource assessments in Spain, France, and Portugal and constructing the first wind farms.
Since September 2005, she has been working at Fundación CIRCE, where she drives a research line focused on wind power generation, energy assessment, and fault diagnosis models for photovoltaic plants and wind farms, improving the efficiency of the projects and increasing their availability.
He has participated in several research projects such as Flexiciency (H2020), Doctor PV (RETOS), Enerisla (CERVERA), and technology transfer projects such as Wind Farm Curve Performance Diagnostic Studies (Naturgy 2019), Wind Farm Performance Studies (Finerge 2022), Wind Farm Operational Efficiency Studies (ENEL 2015), Wind Farm Production Management Application - WINDSEPE 2014).
He has collaborated on two patents: A system for evaluation and control of the performance of a wind turbine (Spain 2008) and a Computer application for monitoring the production of wind farms (Spain 2010).
He has also participated in conferences such as Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ'18 & ICREPQ'20), European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (PVSEC20), and several conferences of Asociación Empresarial Eólica (AEE) and has publications such as the book "energía eólica", She has also published articles in conferences such as "Mejora de las estrategias de mantenimiento en plantas de generación renovable a partir de los datos SCADA" (Congreso VI Smart Grids), and in journals such as "Análisis de la información de los sistemas SCADA" (EOLUS 2010).
She has been the coordinator for 15 years of the wind energy subject in the European renewable energy master's degree at the University of Zaragoza. She is an occasional lecturer-speaker in courses and masters on wind and photovoltaic energy. Such as Master Ecoefficiency and Energy Markets (2005-2010), Master Sustainable Energy management (2015-2021), Master Energy School of Endesa-IKAI (2008-2014), Course School of Roads-Madrid (2009-2015), and continues to direct final projects of master's and degree.
Employment (3)
Education and qualifications (4)
Funding (18)