Personal information

reciprocity, power interplay, social exchange, reciprocity, community enterprise


Employment (1)

Universitas Ciputra: Surabaya, Indonesia, ID

2010-06-01 to present | Lecturer (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Cicilia Larasati Rembulan

Works (9)

Weaving the real and the virtual: young urban Indonesians' lived experiences of making psychological homes

Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Yulianto, Jony Eko; Rembulan, Cicilia Larasati
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Street vendors and power relations among actors: process of place making in Borobudur food and craft market

Qualitative Research Journal
2024-05-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Cicilia Larasati Rembulan; Astrid Kusumowidagdo; Melania Rahadiyanti
Source: check_circle

Exchanged actors behind the creation of sense of place value in indigenous tourism enterprise Karangrejo Borobudur Indonesia

Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Rembulan, Cicilia Larasati; Kusumowidagdo, Astrid; Rahadiyanti, Melania
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

When the sense of place value is challenged by pandemic: value exchange in indigenous community-based tourism in Sade-Lombok, Indonesia

Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Rembulan, Cicilia Larasati; Kusumowidagdo, Astrid
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

The fluid power: constructing the concept of power in community-based tourism in Indonesia

Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Rembulan, Cicilia Larasati; Helmi, Avin Fadilla; Riyono, Bagus
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

How consumer ethnocentrism can predict consumer preferences – Construction and validation of SCONET scale

Polish Psychological Bulletin
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Maison, D.; Ardi, R.; Yulianto, J.E.; Rembulan, C.L.
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Work-Family Conflict of Women Entrepreneurs and Women Employees

Anima Indonesian Psychological Journal
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Cicilia Larasati Rembulan; Kuncoro Dewi Rahmawati; Febe Yuanita Ratna Indudewi
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Sense of Place among Adolescents: Factors Influencing the Place Attachment on Shopping Malls

MAKARA: Human Behavior Studies in Asia
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Kusumowidagdo, Astrid; Rembulan, Cicilia Larasati; Sachari, Agus
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Identification of Body Image Problem: Implications for Promoting Body Image Resilience in Female College Students

Anima Indonesian Psychological Journal
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Cicilia Larasati Rembulan; Andrian Liem
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Peer review (7 reviews for 3 publications/grants)

Review activity for Heliyon. (4)
Review activity for Journal of enterprise information management. (2)
Review activity for Journal of urban technology. (1)