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Peer-Reviewed Research Manuscripts
1. Carpenter SM, Lu LL. (2022). Leveraging Antibody, B Cell and Fc Receptor Interactions to Understand Heterogeneous Immune Responses in Tuberculosis. Front Immunol. 2022 Mar 17;13:830482. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.830482. PMID: 35371092.
2. Sutiwisesak R., Hicks N.D., Boyce S., Murphy, K.C., Papavinasasundaram K., Carpenter, S.M., Boucau J., Joshi N., Le Gall S., Fortune, S.M., Sassetti, C.M., Behar, S.M. (2020). A natural polymorphism of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the esxH gene disrupts immunodomination by the TB10.4-specific CD8 T cell response. PLoS Pathog 16(10): e1009000. PMID: 33075106
3. Yang J.D., Mott D., Sutiwisesak R., Lu Y-J., Raso F., Stowell B., Babunovic, G.H., Lee, J., Carpenter S.M., Way, S.S., Fortune, S.M., Behar, S.M. (2018) Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells differ in their capacity to recognize infected macrophages. PLoS Pathog 14(5): e1007060.
4. Carpenter, S.M., & Behar, S. M. (2018). A new vaccine for tuberculosis in rhesus macaques. Nature Medicine, 24(2), 124–126.
5. Carpenter S.M., Yang J.D., Lee J., Barreira-Silva P., Behar S.M. (2017) Vaccine-elicited memory CD4+ T cell expansion is impaired in the lungs during tuberculosis. PLoS Pathog 13(11): e1006704. ppat.1006704
6. Booty MG, Barreira-Silva P, Carpenter S.M., Nunes-Alves C., Jacques M.K., Stowell B.L., Jayaraman P., Beamer G., Behar S.M. (2016). IL-21 signaling is essential for optimal host resistance against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Scientific Reports, 11(6):36720. PMID: 27819295.
7. Booty, M. G., Nunes-Alves, C., Carpenter S.M., Jayaraman P., & Behar S. M. (2016). Multiple Inflammatory Cytokines Converge To Regulate CD8+ T Cell Expansion and Function during Tuberculosis. The Journal of Immunology, 196(4), 1822–1831. PMID: 26755819
8. Carpenter, S.M., Nunes-Alves, C., Booty, M. G., Way, S. S., & Behar, S. M. (2016). A Higher Activation Threshold of Memory CD8+ T Cells Has a Fitness Cost That Is Modified by TCR Affinity during Tuberculosis. PLoS Pathog 12(1), e1005380. PMID: 26745507
9. Nishimura, T., Fujita-Suzuki, Y., Mori, M., Carpenter, S. M., Fujiwara, H., Uwamino, Y., Tamizo E., Tano I., Kawabe H., Hasegawa N. (2016). Middle-aged to elderly women have a higher asymptomatic infection rate with Mycobacterium avium complex, regardless of body habitus. Respirology (Carlton, Vic.), 21(3):553-5. PMID: 26639819
10. Nunes-Alves, C., Booty, M. G., Carpenter, S. M., Rothchild, A. C., Martin, C. J., Desjardins, D., Steblenko K, Kløverpris HN, Madansein R, Ramsuran D, Leslie A, Correia-Neves M, Behar SM (2015). Human and Murine Clonal CD8+ T Cell Expansions Arise during Tuberculosis Because of TCR Selection. PLoS Pathog 11(5), e1004849. PMID: 25945999
11. Behar, S. M., Carpenter, S. M., Booty, M. G., Barber, D. L., & Jayaraman, P. (2014). Orchestration of pulmonary T cell immunity during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection: immunity interruptus. Seminars in Immunology, 26(6), 559–577. PMID: 25311810
12. Nunes-Alves, C., Booty, M. G., Carpenter, S. M., Jayaraman, P., Rothchild, A. C., & Behar, S. M. (2014). In search of a new paradigm for protective immunity to TB. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 12(4), 289–299. PMID: 24590243
13. Mishra, J., Carpenter, S., & Singh, S. (2010). Low serum zinc levels in an endemic area of visceral leishmaniasis in Bihar, India. The Indian Journal of Medical Research, 131, 793–798. PMID: 20571168
14. Otmakhov, N., Tao-Cheng, J.-H., Carpenter, S., Asrican, B., Dosemeci, A., Reese, T. S., & Lisman, J. (2004). Persistent accumulation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in dendritic spines after induction of NMDA receptor-dependent chemical long-term potentiation. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 24(42), 9324–9331 PMID: 15496668.
15. Otmakhov, N., Khibnik, L., Otmakhova, N., Carpenter, S., Riahi, S., Asrican, B., & Lisman, J. (2004). Forskolin-induced LTP in the CA1 hippocampa


Employment (9)

UH Cleveland Medical Center: Cleveland, OH, US

2020-09-01 to present | Assistant Professor (Medicine / Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine: Cleveland, OH, US

2020-09-01 to present | Assistant Professor (Medicine / Infectious Diseases)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc: Tarrytown, NY, US

2017-10-30 to 2020-08-07 | Director (Early Clinical Development and Experimental Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Brigham and Women's Hospital: Boston, MA, US

2013-08-01 to 2017-12-15 | Associate Physician (Infectious Disease Division)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

University of Massachusetts Medical School: Worcester, MA, US

2013-08-01 to 2017-10-15 | Instructor (Microbiology and Physiological Systems (MaPS))
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Brigham and Women's Hospital: Boston, MA, US

2011-07-01 to 2013-07-31 | Research Fellow (Infectious Disease Division)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Massachusetts General Hospital: Boston, MA, US

2010-07-01 to 2013-07-31 | Clinical and Research Fellow (Infectious Disease Division)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

New York University School of Medicine: New York, NY, US

2007-07-01 to 2010-06-30 | Resident Physician (Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Brandeis University: Waltham, MA, US

2002-06-01 to 2003-08-15 | Research Assistant (Neuroscience)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Education and qualifications (3)

University of Massachusetts Medical School: Worcester, MA, US

2013-09-01 to 2016-08-31 | Ph.D. (Biomedical Sciences (immunology, microbiology))
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

University of Massachusetts Medical School: Worcester, MA, US

2003-08-30 to 2007-06-02 | M.D. (Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Brandeis University: Waltham, MA, US

1998-08-27 to 2002-05-28 | B.S. (Neuroscience, Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Professional activities (5)

Infectious Diseases Society of America: Arlington, VA, US

2021-11 to present | Elected Member (Research Committee)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG): Boston, MA, US

2021-02 to present | Appointed Immunologist (Tuberculosis Transformative Science Group (TB-TSG))
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

American Society of Hematology: Washington, DC, US

2018-04 to present | Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Infectious Diseases Society of America: Arlington, VA, US

2010-07 to present | Member
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Westchester Business Council: White Plains, NY, US

2019-06-30 | "40 under 40" Rising Star
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Funding (7)

Protective attributes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific human lung resident memory T cells

2022-07-01 to 2024-06-30 | Grant
American Lung Association (Chicago, US)


Source: check_circle

Research in Immunity to Tuberculosis

2020-09 to 2025-08 | Award
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center (Cleveland, US)

Research Startup

Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Investigating immunological outliers to understand protective adaptive immunity against tuberculosis

2017-09 to 2018-08 | Award
Broad Institute (Cambridge, MA, US)

TB Gift Innovation

Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Human CD4+ T Cell Function In Tuberculosis

2016-10 to 2018-09 | Grant
NIH/NIAID (Bethesda, MD, US)

L30 AI 113797-03

Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Clonality of TB10.4-specific T cell responses in tuberculosis patients

2014-10 to 2016-09 | Grant
NIH / NIAID (Bethesda, MD, US)

L30 AI 113797-02

Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Memory CD8+ T cell function in tuberculosis

2013-09 to 2016-08 | Salary award
University of Massachusetts Medical School (Worcester, MA, MA, US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Antigen-Specific CD8+ T Cells In Tuberculosis

2011-08 to 2013-07 | Grant
NIH / NIAID (Bethesda, MD, US)

T32 AI 007061

Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Works (22)

Human memory CD4+T-cells recognizeMycobacterium tuberculosis-infected macrophages amid broader pathogen-specific responses

2025-02-27 | Preprint
Contributors: Volodymyr Stetsenko; Daniel P. Gail; Scott Reba; Vinicius G. Suzart; Avinaash K. Sandhu; Alessandro Sette; Mohammad Haj Dezfulian; Cecilia S. Lindestam Arlehamn; Stephen M. Carpenter
Source: check_circle

Reply to Barajas-Ochoa: The Imperative to Integrate International Medical Graduates into the Infectious Diseases Physician-Scientist Pathway: Expanding Opportunities and Overcoming Barriers

The Journal of Infectious Diseases
2024-09-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Talia H Swartz; Senu Apewokin; Stephen M Carpenter; Rana Chakraborty; Ann M Dennis; Eric Houpt; Neeraj K Surana; Danielle M Zerr; Liise-anne Pirofski
Source: check_circle

Analyzing human CD4+ T cells activated in response to macrophages infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis

STAR Protocols
2024-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Daniel P. Gail; Vinicius G. Suzart; Stephen M. Carpenter
Source: check_circle

A Call to Action: Urgently Strengthening the Future Physician-Scientist Workforce in Infectious Diseases

The Journal of Infectious Diseases
2024-03-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Talia H Swartz; Senu Apewokin; Stephen M Carpenter; Rana Chakraborty; Ann M Dennis; Eric Houpt; Neeraj K Surana; Danielle M Zerr; Liise-anne Pirofski
Source: check_circle

Impact of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Glycolipids on the CD4+ T Cell–Macrophage Immunological Synapse

The Journal of Immunology
2023-11-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Ivan Mwebaza; Rachel Shaw; Qing Li; Shane Fletcher; Jacqueline M Achkar; Clifford V Harding; Stephen M Carpenter; W Henry Boom
Source: check_circle

Leveraging Antibody, B Cell and Fc Receptor Interactions to Understand Heterogeneous Immune Responses in Tuberculosis.

Frontiers in immunology
2022-03-17 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

A natural polymorphism of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the esxH gene disrupts immunodomination by the TB10.4-specific CD8 T cell response

PLOS Pathogens
2020-10-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Rujapak Sutiwisesak; David M. Lewinsohn; Nathan D. Hicks; Shayla Boyce; Kenan C. Murphy; Kadamba Papavinasasundaram; Stephen M. Carpenter; Julie Boucau; Neelambari Joshi; Sylvie Le Gall et al.
Source: check_circle

Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells differ in their capacity to recognize infected macrophages

PLOS Pathogens
2018-05-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Jason D. Yang; David M. Lewinsohn; Daniel Mott; Rujapak Sutiwisesak; Yu-Jung Lu; Fiona Raso; Britni Stowell; Greg Hunter Babunovic; Jinhee Lee; Steve M. Carpenter et al.
Source: check_circle

A new vaccine for tuberculosis in rhesus macaques

Nature Medicine
2018-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1078-8956
Part of ISSN: 1546-170X
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Vaccine-elicited memory CD4+ T cell expansion is impaired in the lungs during tuberculosis

PLOS Pathogens
2017-11-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Stephen M. Carpenter; Padmini Salgame; Jason D. Yang; Jinhee Lee; Palmira Barreira-Silva; Samuel M. Behar
Source: check_circle

A Higher Activation Threshold of Memory CD8<sup>+</sup> T Cells Has a Fitness Cost That Is Modified by TCR Affinity during Tuberculosis

PLoS Pathogens
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Carpenter, S.M.; Nunes-Alves, C.; Booty, M.G.; Way, S.S.; Behar, S.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter via Scopus - Elsevier

IL-21 signaling is essential for optimal host resistance against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection

Scientific Reports
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Booty, M.G.; Barreira-Silva, P.; Carpenter, S.M.; Nunes-Alves, C.; Jacques, M.K.; Stowell, B.L.; Jayaraman, P.; Beamer, G.; Behar, S.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter via Scopus - Elsevier

Middle-aged to elderly women have a higher asymptomatic infection rate with Mycobacterium avium complex, regardless of body habitus

2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Nishimura, T.; Fujita-Suzuki, Y.; Mori, M.; Carpenter, S.M.; Fujiwara, H.; Uwamino, Y.; Tamizu, E.; Yano, I.; Kawabe, H.; Hasegawa, N.
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter via Scopus - Elsevier

Multiple inflammatory cytokines converge to regulate CD8<sup>+</sup> T cell expansion and function during tuberculosis

Journal of Immunology
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Booty, M.G.; Nunes-Alves, C.; Carpenter, S.M.; Jayaraman, P.; Behar, S.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter via Scopus - Elsevier

Human and Murine Clonal CD8+ T Cell Expansions Arise during Tuberculosis Because of TCR Selection

PLoS Pathogens
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Nunes-Alves, C.; Booty, M.G.; Carpenter, S.M.; Rothchild, A.C.; Martin, C.J.; Desjardins, D.; Steblenko, K.; Kløverpris, H.N.; Madansein, R.; Ramsuran, D. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter via Scopus - Elsevier

Recurrence of disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex disease in a patient with anti-gamma interferon autoantibodies by reinfection

Journal of Clinical Microbiology
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Nishimura, T.; Fujita-Suzuki, Y.; Yonemaru, M.; Ohkusu, K.; Sakagami, T.; Carpenter, S.M.; Otsuka, Y.; Namkoong, H.; Yano, I.; Hasegawa, N.
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter via Scopus - Elsevier

In search of a new paradigm for protective immunity to TB

Nature Reviews Microbiology
2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Nunes-Alves, C.; Booty, M.G.; Carpenter, S.M.; Jayaraman, P.; Rothchild, A.C.; Behar, S.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter via Scopus - Elsevier

Orchestration of pulmonary t cell immunity during mycobacterium tuberculosis infection: Immunity interruptus

Seminars in Immunology
2014 | Journal article


Contributors: Behar, S.M.; Carpenter, S.M.; Booty, M.G.; Barber, D.L.; Jayaraman, P.
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter via Scopus - Elsevier

Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Case 20-2011. A 30-year-old man with diarrhea after a trip to the Dominican Republic.

The New England journal of medicine
2011-06-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter

Low serum zinc levels in an endemic area of visceral leishmaniasis in Bihar, India

Indian Journal of Medical Research
2010 | Journal article


Contributors: Mishra, J.; Carpenter, S.; Singh, S.
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter via Scopus - Elsevier

Forskolin-Induced LTP in the CA1 Hippocampal Region Is NMDA Receptor Dependent

Journal of Neurophysiology
2004 | Journal article


Contributors: Otmakhov, N.; Khibnik, L.; Otmakhova, N.; Carpenter, S.; Riahi, S.; Asrican, B.; Lisman, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter via Scopus - Elsevier

Persistent accumulation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in dendritic spines after induction of NMDA receptor-dependent chemical long-term potentiation

Journal of Neuroscience
2004 | Journal article


Contributors: Otmakhov, N.; Tao-Cheng, J.-H.; Carpenter, S.; Asrican, B.; Dosemeci, A.; Reese, T.S.; Lisman, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Stephen Carpenter via Scopus - Elsevier

Peer review (13 reviews for 10 publications/grants)

Review activity for Cell reports. (1)
Review activity for Cell systems. (1)
Review activity for Clinical and translational medicine. (2)
Review activity for eLife (1)
Review activity for Journal of infectious diseases. (1)
Review activity for MBio. (1)
Review activity for Nature communications (1)
Review activity for Pathogens and disease / (1)
Review activity for PLOS pathogens : (2)
Review activity for Tuberculosis. (2)