Personal information


Employment (5)

University of Alicante: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, ES

2017-03-01 to present | Profesor Ayudante Doctor (Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ana Beltran Sanahuja

Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Alicante (ISABIAL) - Fundación para el fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomèdica de la Comunidad Valenciana (FISABIO).: Alicante, ES

2016-03-01 to 2017-02-28 | Personal técnico responsable del Área de Proyectos y Promoción Científica (Hospital de Alicante)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ana Beltran Sanahuja

Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje Transporte y Logistica: Paterna, Valencia, ES

2012-10-22 to 2016-02-28 | Project Manager (Development of new packaging materials)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ana Beltran Sanahuja

University of Alicante: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, ES

2011-06-01 to 2012-06-30 | Técnico Superior a tiempo completo para el proyecto " Desarrollo de envases con características antioxidantes para aperitivos fritos y frutos secos tostados (Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ana Beltran Sanahuja

University of Alicante: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, ES

2010-03-09 to 2010-05-08 | Técnico Superior a tiempo completo para el proyecto "2nd International Conference on Biodegradable Polymers and Sustainable Composites" (Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ana Beltran Sanahuja

Education and qualifications (1)

University of Alicante: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante , ES

2005-06-14 to 2010-07-29 | PhD Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ana Beltran Sanahuja

Peer review (6 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Foods. (1)
Review activity for Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. (5)