Personal information
My name is Pablo Mesejo Santiago and I am Associate Professor at the University of Granada (UGR).
I have a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Parma (Italy, 2013), a Postgraduate degree in Bioinformatics, Genomics and Structural Biology from the Open University of Catalonia (Spain, 2010) and a Master in Computer Science from the University of A Coruña (Spain, 2009). My research career is devoted to analyze and design machine learning, computer vision and computational intelligence methods able to solve, mainly but not exclusively, biomedical image analysis problems.
From July 2010 to July 2013 I was employed as Early Stage Researcher within the Marie Curie ITN MIBISOC ("Medical Imaging using Bio-Inspired and SOft Computing") at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Parma, where I also worked as teaching assistant. My PhD dissertation was focused on the automatic segmentation of anatomical structures in biomedical images (mainly brain histological images) using deformable models and soft/bio-inspired computing. During this period I was visiting researcher at the University of Nottingham (UK) and the European Center for Soft Computing (Spain).
After that, from September 2013 to August 2014, I was working as postdoctoral researcher at the ALCoV team (Advanced Laparoscopy and Computer Vision) of the ISIT lab (Image Sciences for Interventional Techniques, UMR 6284 – CNRS) in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Auvergne Clermont-Ferrand I (France). The work developed was mainly focused on deformable feature-based image registration and 3D measurement and characterization of neoplasias from endoscopic videos in gastroenterology. Later, I moved to the MISTIS team (Modeling and inference of complex and structured stochastic systems) of INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes (France), and from September 2014 to August 2016 I was working as postdoctoral researcher in the estimation of biophysical parameters from fMRI signals through evolutionary-based optimization to study brain function.
Later, from September 2016 to March 2018, I held an Inria Starting Researcher Position at the PERCEPTION team (Interpretation and Modeling of Images and Videos) of Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes. My work was mainly related with the ERC Advanced Grant "Vision and Hearing In Action" (VHIA), and in particular with the integration of deep learning into probabilistic generative models for visual and audio recognition.
After that, from April 2018 to May 2020, I was a Marie Curie fellow at the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (DECSAI) of the University of Granada (UGR, Spain). I was also teaching assistant of the subjects Machine Learning, Intelligent Systems Techniques, and Computational Forensics. My work was mainly related with the development and application of soft computing and computer vision techniques for comparative radiography in forensic identification. Marie Curie Standard Individual Fellowships, like the one I had, are highly competitive research grants that, in the H2020-MSCA-IF-2016 call, presented a 13.10% success rate.
Finally, after a short period as postdoctoral researcher at the UGR (2020-2021), I got a tenured position as Associate Professor at the same department of the UGR. Importantly, the UGR is one of the top institutions in computer science and engineering (systematically ranked 1st in Spain and within the best 150 in the world according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities).
Employment (7)
Education and qualifications (3)
Works (42)