Personal information

Trinidad and Tobago


Paul Balwant is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Management Studies department at The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad. Paul's research interests include leadership, engagement, and absenteeism. One of Paul's papers titled 'Practice What You Preach: Instructors as Transformational Leaders in Higher Education Classrooms' won the Best Paper in Management Education at the 2014 Academy of Management Meeting.


Employment (11)

The University of the West Indies at St Augustine: St Augustine, Tunapuna-Piarco, TT

2023-01-01 to present | Senior Lecturer (Management Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

The University of the West Indies: St. Augustine, TT

2015-09-01 to 2022-12-31 | Lecturer (Management Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

The University of the West Indies: Mona, NA, JM

2019 to 2020 | Adjunct Senior Lecturer (Sociology, Psychology and Social Work)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

UWI-Roytec: Port of Spain, TT

2018 to 2018 | Consultant
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

UWI-Roytec: Port of Spain, TT

2017-06-01 to 2017-12-31 | Lecturer
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

University of Sheffield: Sheffield, Sheffield, GB

2011-04-01 to 2012-12-01 | Researcher (Management)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

The University of the West Indies: St. Augustine, TT

2007-09-01 to 2011-06-31 | Lecturer (Management Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

The University of the West Indies Open Campus: St. Augustine, TT

2010-07-01 to 2010-08-31 | Course Coordinator (Management Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

UWI School of Business and Applied Studies (ROYTEC): Port of Spain, TT

2009-01-01 to 2009-12-31 | Lecturer
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

Business Strategies Ltd.: POS, TT

2008-01-01 to 2008-12-31 | Consultant
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

Bishop's Centenary College: POS, TT

2001-10-01 to 2002-05-31 | Secondary School Teacher
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

Education and qualifications (4)

The University of the West Indies: St. Augustine, TT

2017 to 2018 | Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching & Learning
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

University of Sheffield: Sheffield, Sheffield, GB

2011-10-01 to 2016-04-01 | PhD Management (Management)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

The University of the West Indies: St. Augustine, TT

2005-09-01 to 2007-06-01 | MSc Management Studies, Specialization in HRM (Distinction) (Management Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

The University of the West Indies: St. Augustine, TT

2002-09-01 to 2005-06-01 | BSc Management Studies, Minor in Finance (First Class Honours) (Management Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

Professional activities (15)

The University of the West Indies at St Augustine: St Augustine, Tunapuna-Piarco, TT

2022-09-01 to present | Deputy Dean (Planning & Programming) (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

The University of the West Indies at Saint Augustine: Saint Augustine, Tunapuna-Piarco, TT

2020 to present | Faculty Assessment and Promotions Committee Member (Social Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

Chartered Association of Business Schools: London, London, GB

2020 to present | Certified Management & Business Educator
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

University of the West Indies at Saint Augustine: Saint Augustine, Tunapuna-Piarco, TT

2019-09-01 to present | Chair of Faculty Curriculum Committee (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

University of the West Indies at Saint Augustine: Saint Augustine, Tunapuna-Piarco, TT

2019-01-01 to present | Member of a committee tacking group project challenges (Management Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

The Ministry of Labour and Small Enterprise Development: Port of Spain, TT

2016 to present | Member of the Industrial Relations Advisory Committee
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant


2023 | Certificate of Achievement for Top Downloaded Article
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

Simon Fraser University Beedie School of Business: Burnaby, BC, CA

2020 | Certificate of Excellence in Cross-Cultural Research
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

The University of the West Indies at Saint Augustine: Saint Augustine, Tunapuna-Piarco, TT

2016 to 2020 | HR Program Coordinator (Management Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

University of the West Indies at Saint Augustine: Saint Augustine, Tunapuna-Piarco, TT

2016-09-01 to 2019-08-01 | Member of the Faculty ICT Advisory Committee (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

The University of the West Indies: St. Augustine, TT

2018 | UWI/Guardian Group Premium Teaching Award (Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

The University of the West Indies at Saint Augustine: Saint Augustine, Tunapuna-Piarco, TT

2017 to 2018 | Management Matters newsletter Editor (Management Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

Academy of Management : Philadelphia, US

2014 | Best Paper Award in Management Education and Development (MED) Division (MED)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

University of Sheffield - The Edge: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, GB

2011 | University Award/Scholarship (Management School)
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant


2004 | Scholarship
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

Works (29)

The relationship between abusive supervision and job satisfaction and turnover intentions: the moderating role of employee depression

Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship
2024-12-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Riann Singh; Vimal Deonarine; Paul Balwant; Shalini Ramdeo
Source: check_circle

Pivoting to Online Experiential Learning during the Pandemic: Three Leadership Exercises

Synchronous and Asynchronous Approaches to Teaching: Higher Education Lessons in Post-Pandemic Times
2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Paul Balwant
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

The Dimensionality of Student Engagement and Burnout: A Conceptual and Empirical Extension

Journal of Research in Higher Education
2023-06-16 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2559-6624
Contributors: Paul Balwant; Department of Management Studies, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

Role-Modeling Leadership in Small and Medium Enterprises: The Role of Leader Identification, Leader–Member Exchange, Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intent

Journal of Leadership Studies
2023-04-26 | Journal article | Author
Part of ISSN: 1935-2611
Part of ISSN: 1935-262X
Contributors: Paul Balwant; Amanda Singh
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The Destructive Instructor-Leadership Questionnaire: A Replication Study in Trinidad

Caribbean Curriculum
2023-03-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Paul Balwant
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

Not another team assignment! Student perceptions towards teamwork at university management programs

Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning
2022-10-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Shalini Ramdeo; Paul Balwant; Simon Harold Fraser
Source: check_circle

Training and development climate and administrative employees' productivity in higher education

Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education
2022-01-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Paul Tristen Balwant; Rebecca Mohammed; Riann Singh
Source: check_circle

‘Keeping it real’ authentic instructor-leadership, student engagement and performance, and leader distance

International Journal of Leadership in Education
2022-01-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Paul T. Balwant
Source: check_circle

Alternatives to the conventional ‘Oxford’ tutorial model: a scoping review

International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Paul Tristen Balwant; Roshnie Doon
Source: check_circle

Teaching flexible leadership via an experiential learning exercise: A simulation and self-reflection

Journal of Education for Business
2021-11-30 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0883-2323
Part of ISSN: 1940-3356
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Crisis leadership: Teaching external corporate communications via an experiential learning exercise

Journal of Education for Business
2021-07-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Paul Tristen Balwant
Source: check_circle

Is There a Bright Side to Destructive Leadership? How Gordon Ramsay Leads Change in Nightmare Kitchens

Journal of Leadership Studies
2021-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Paul T. Balwant
Source: check_circle

Development and validation of the Leadership Effectiveness in Africa and the Diaspora (LEAD) scale

International Journal of Cross Cultural Management
2020-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1470-5958
Part of ISSN: 1741-2838
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

Training and Development of Instructor-Leadership: An Instructional Systems Design Approach

Journal of Human Services: Training, Research, & Practice
2020-09 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Broadening our Sight on the Conventional ‘Oxford’ Tutorial Model: A Scoping Review

Academy of Management Proceedings
2020-08 | Conference paper
Part of ISSN: 0065-0668
Part of ISSN: 2151-6561
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

A moderated mediation model of bullying, support, justice, and organizational outcomes

International Journal of Employment Studies
2020-08-23 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

The dimensionality and measurement of destructive instructor-leadership

International Journal of Leadership in Education
2020-03-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Paul T. Balwant; Kamal Birdi; Ute Stephan
Source: check_circle

Predicting organizational embeddedness in Trinidad’s government ministries: The role of personality and perceived organizational support

Journal of Business Paradigms
2019-12 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

Transformational leadership and employee engagement in Trinidad’s service sector

International Journal of Emerging Markets
2019-10-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Paul Tristen Balwant; Rehaana Mohammed; Riann Singh
Source: check_circle

“I’ve had enough!” Mental health as a mechanism in the relationship between sexual harassment and organizational commitment

2019-10-29 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

Stay close! The role of leader distance in the relationship between transformational leadership, work engagement, and performance in undergraduate project teams

Journal of Education for Business
2019-08-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Paul Balwant
Source: check_circle

Transformational instructor-leadership and academic performance: a moderated mediation model of student engagement and structural distance

Journal of Further and Higher Education
2019-08-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Paul T. Balwant; Kamal Birdi; Ute Stephan; Anna Topakas
Source: check_circle

The dark side of teaching: destructive instructor leadership and its association with students’ affect, behaviour, and cognition

International Journal of Leadership in Education
2017 | Journal article


Contributors: Balwant, P.T.
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Stay Close! Leader Distance, Transformational Leadership, Engagement, and Performance in Teams

Academy of Management Proceedings
2017-08 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

The meaning of student engagement and disengagement in the classroom context: lessons from organisational behaviour

Journal of Further and Higher Education
2017-02-28 | Journal article

Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Transformational Instructor-Leadership in Higher Education Teaching: A Meta-Analytic Review and Research Agenda

Journal of Leadership Studies
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Balwant, P.T.
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant via Scopus - Elsevier

Socio-demographic predictors of secondary school teacher absenteeism in Trinidad

International Journal of Employment Studies
2016-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1039-6993
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

Practice What You Preach: Instructors As Transformational Leaders In Higher Education Classrooms

Academy of Management Proceedings
2014 | Journal article

Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The development of a parsimonious measure of transformational instructor leadership

Doctoral Seminar Series - Third Degree (Working Papers)
2013-02-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Paul Balwant

Peer review (56 reviews for 16 publications/grants)

Review activity for Academy of Management learning & education. (1)
Review activity for Applied psychology (7)
Review activity for Basic and applied social psychology. (2)
Review activity for Higher education quarterly. (1)
Review activity for International journal of emerging markets. (5)
Review activity for International journal of leadership in education. (5)
Review activity for Journal of applied research in higher education. (1)
Review activity for Journal of education for business. (1)
Review activity for Journal of further and higher education. (9)
Review activity for Journal of human services: training, research, and practice. (1)
Review activity for Journal of leadership studies. (11)
Review activity for Leadership & organization development journal. (1)
Review activity for Psychological reports. (6)
Review activity for Research papers in education. (1)
Review activity for SAGE Open. (2)
Review activity for Wiley (2)