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After training in cell biology/myogenesis in culture during the Medical School, she achieved the Degree in Medicine at "La Sapienza" University in Rome. Then she achieved the specialization in Pathology at the Catholic University of Rome. In 1983, as fellow of the Deutsches Akademisches Austauschdienst (DAAD), she was involved in a research program leaded by Prof. HK Müller-Hermelink on Thymic Epithelial Tumors (TET) at the Pathologisches Institut of the Kiel University, Fed Rep Germany. She has been performing general surgical pathology as staff pathologist first at the Hospital S. Giacomo, Rome (1981-2001), and later (2001- ) at the Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, In 2009, after the retirement of the previous Director, she was Acting Director of the Dept. of Pathology (from September 2009 to april 2010). In that period she attended the Management course at the Luiss University of Rome. At the Pathology Department she is Quality Responsible and, since March 2014, Quality responsible for the Tissue Biobank. She is involved in diagnostic surgical pathology of every organs and systems; moreover, her specialized diagnostic fields are hematopathology and Thymic Epithelial Tumors diagnostics In the years 1990-1993 she was temporary Professor on contract in Embryology at the Institute of Histology and Embryology for Medicine, "La Sapienza" University of Rome. She was co-author of the European histogenetic Thymoma Classification (1985), contributed to the 2004 WHO TET classification and now to the new 2015 WHO TET classification recently published (IARC press).
She is author or co-author of several papers/reviews in international journals, most of them in thymic tumors. She participates to the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group ( ITMIG) activities and is member of the Staging and Prognostic Factors Committee of the International Association Study Lung Cancer (IASLC), Thymic Domain (SPFC-TD) (2011- 2016 and 2017- ) and IASLC member. Moreover, she is contributing to several groups/ Committees in ITMIG: the Steering Committee, the Biology/Tumor board Group, the Research and the Education Committee. Moreover she contributes to the European Society of Pathology (ESP) (Thymus and Mediastinal Working Group) and is member of the Italian Society for Pathological Anatomy (SIAPEC).She is participating to the Hematopathology working group (GIE) of SIAPEC. She promotes collaborative studies on Thymic Epithelial Tumors and provided molecular genetic data to an italian "Phase II monitored clinical trial for evaluation of treatment of patients with Thymic Epithelial Tumours (TET) or Histiocytosis X (LCH) with Imatinib Mesylate "(FARM6HJ7CA) (AIFA 2007 for rare diseases and orphan drugs). She was granted by the Italian Ministry of Health in the framework of Italy-US program for Rare Disease for research in TET. She is member of the Editorial Board of Case Reports in Pathology ( Hindawi Publishing Corporation) and of the Journal "Mediastinum", launched in 2017 by AME publishing group. Actually, in the ITMIG /IASCL SPFC-TD she is contributing to the Staging project of TET for the next (9th edition) TNM staging manual of the UICC. She promoted and partecipates to multicenter/multidisciplinary collaborative research projects on TET on a national basis based on immunohistochemistry, molecular genetic, molecular biology and collaborates with international networks/biobanks active in TET study. She participated to the Tumor Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) on Thymic epithelial tumors (TCGA-THYM), promoted by the NCI-US. Moreover she is contributing to the prospective ITMIG/IASLC worldwide database and to the Virtual Thymic Bank. For the Italian Association Rare Tumors (IART) she is referral pathologist for Thymic Epithelial Tumors. She participated to the project of the International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting (ICCR), promoted by the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) and the US College of American Pathologists (CAP), the UK (RCPath) and Australian (RCPA) Colleges of Pathology; recently the European Society of Pathology (ESP), joined the other societies in the ICCR project. The purpose of ICCR is to uniform the pathological reports of TET according to a shared relevant “dataset” . M. Marino was recently (2015-2016 and 2017) enlisted in the Expert and Collaborator's Register mantained by the Italian National Agency of Health Services (Agenas) in the "research and international relations" area. She recently joined the Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure of Italy (BBMRI-IT) network and proposed a research project entitled "Global biobanking and networking in an Oncological Institute: infrastructures and shared data collection and organization for clinical, research and Tumor Registry purposes" which was granted by the Current research grants 2015 of the Ministry of Health to the Regina Elena National Cancer Institute.
Employment (3)
Education and qualifications (3)
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Works (50 of 140)