Personal information
Merce Mach obtained her PhD in Psychology from Ramon Llull University in 2007. She is currently a Serra Hunter's Associate Professor at University of Barcelona (Faculty of Economics and Buisness). She has developed her career in education and consultancy.
Her research interests revolve around trust in leadership, organizational trust, group process, effectiveness, as well as the emergent issues of HRM and organizational performance. She was recipient of several competitive research grants. She participated in various research projects and published peer review papers on strategic HRM, Attendance at work (presenteeism), as well as trust in leadership and work in teams.
Dr. Mach has taught executive education and consulted in various sectors of business activity: Finance ('la Caixa'); mass commodity (Chupa Chups, Sara Lee); industrial (Bher automotive group, Sony Spain, Cerestar, etc.) and also in the public sector (Hospital de Mataró, UOC- Open University of Catalonia, Escuela Judicial, the Public Administration School of Catalonia, etc.).
She has introduced policies on people management (e.g.; compensation, performance management, job descriptions, change management, continuous improvement programmes, etc.), on the development of managerial skills (e.g.; social skills, negotiation and conflict, chairing meetings, decision-making,...) as well as cross-cultural management.
Through many years of cooperation services and in outdoor education, she helped many young people gain leadership skills and self-confidence. Perhaps more importantly, she is strongly committed to improving the competences and the values of the existing and future professionals and managers.
Employment (7)
Education and qualifications (7)
Professional activities (17)
Funding (8)
BP 2007 A00158
2007-BE-2 00211
VS/2004 / 064