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Danielle Wilde holds full professorships at The University of Umeå, SE and The University of Southern Denmark, DK. She currently serves as The Arctic Six Chair (2024-2026) of Arctic Food Citizenship, living and working as a settler in Ubmeje Sápmi, investigating how Traditional Knowledges, food, and cultures in the Circumpolar North can be leveraged to (re)make Environmental Citizenship. At UMU, in Sweden, Wilde leads the Sympoietic Collaboratory for Food and Cultures, which bridges design, food studies, molecular biology and plant science. At SDU, in Denmark, Wilde leads FoodLab, a hub for post-disciplinary research at the intersection of systems thinking, situated practices, design and policy. She is also a member of the Danish Centre for Rural Research, the MERE group (Management and Economics of Resources and the Environment,) and the SDU Climate Elite Centre for Post-Anthropocentric Climate Action. Her work applies feminist, intersectional theories through participatory Research through Design, co-creating alternative futures in collaboration with Indigenous, non-Indigenous, and more-than-human partners. Wilde’s research emphasises the role of embodied ways of knowing, being, and imagining in addressing systemic issues at the intersection of situated practices, governance, and sustainability transitions. Her work integrates ecological imaginaries, policies, and systems thinking, as it seeks to inform transformative approaches to global challenges.
Employment (12)
Education and qualifications (3)
Professional activities (38)
Funding (18)
HUM 2017