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Works (10)

Put me in coach: A daily examination of automated coaching on need for self‐knowledge and learning goal orientation through metacognitive activities

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
2025-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Scott Dust; Laurens Bujold Steed
Source: check_circle

The moderating role of narcissism on the impact of leader learning goal orientation on follower adaptivity through follower goal orientation: a social cognitive theory perspective

The Journal of Social Psychology
2025-02-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Scott B. Dust; Sharmeen M. Merchant; Peng Wang; Xiang Yao
Source: check_circle

Relative income and value congruence in dual‐income couples

Journal of Organizational Behavior
2023-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Laurens Bujold Steed; Scott B. Dust; Joseph C. Rode; Marne L. Arthaud‐Day
Source: check_circle

The effect of leader and follower extraversion on leader-member exchange: An interpersonal perspective incorporating power distance orientation

The Journal of Social Psychology
2021-11-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Scott Dust; Peng Wang; Joseph Rode; Zhiming Wu; Xin Wu
Source: check_circle

Leader Sex and Employee Power Distance Orientation as Boundary Conditions of the Relationship between Leader Humility and Leader-Member Exchange

Human Performance
2021-10-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Peng Wang; Scott Dust; Zhen Wang
Source: check_circle

Negative Creativity in Leader-Follower Relations: a Daily Investigation of Leaders’ Creative Mindset, Moral Disengagement, and Abusive Supervision

Journal of Business and Psychology
2020-10-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Xin Qin; Scott B. Dust; Marco S. DiRenzo; Song Wang
Source: check_circle

I’m Too Old for This: Time Demands and Older, Early-Career Employees’ Receptivity to Supervisor Support

Journal of Career Development
2020-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Scott B. Dust; Peng Wang; Lei Lai
Source: check_circle

Mindful multitasking: Disentangling the effect of polychronicity on work–home conflict and life satisfaction

The Journal of Social Psychology
2019-07-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Jared Weintraub; Murugan Pattusamy; Scott B. Dust
Source: check_circle

Protecting my turf: The moderating role of generational differences on the relationships between self-direction and hedonism values and reactions to generational diversity

The Journal of Social Psychology
2019-03-04 | Journal article
Contributors: S. B. Dust; M. W Gerhardt; D. Hebbalalu; M. Murray
Source: check_circle

Managing the self‐esteem, employment gaps, and employment quality process: The role of facilitation‐ and understanding‐based emotional intelligence

Journal of Organizational Behavior
2018-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Scott B. Dust; Joseph C. Rode; Marne L. Arthaud‐Day; Satoris S. Howes; Aarti Ramaswami
Source: check_circle

Peer review (9 reviews for 3 publications/grants)

Review activity for Current psychology : (2)
Review activity for Journal of business ethics. (6)
Review activity for Journal of occupational and organizational psychology. (1)