Personal information


Born in Perugia in 1950 and graduated in Medicine with honours from Pisa University in 1974.
Residency in Urology in Florence University Department of Urology until 1977 and subsequently Research Fellow at the same Institution 1978-1987.
Two years of Clinical Fellowship in U.S. Universities : New York State University 1977 and Duke University 1982.
Associate professor of Urology at “La Sapienza” University of Rome 1987-1991 and Florence University 1991-96.
Chairman of the Division of Urology of Udine University 1996-2000.
Full professor, Chairman of the Division of Urology, Department of Surgery and Director of Residency Program in Urology of Pisa University School of Medicine from November 1 , 2000 till present.
More than 7000 urological procedures performed as first surgeon.
Author of over 380 scientific publications, including over 200 in peer reviewed journals, with an overall impact factor over 640 points.
Presently member of numerous international scientific societies : American Urological Association, American College of Surgeons, European Association of Urology, Sociètè Internationale d’Urologie, Urological Research Society, E.O.R.T.C. Genito-urinary Group.
Member for 9 years of the Scientific Committee of the European association of Urology, and in the past for 2 mandates of the Italian Urological Association.
Reviewer for : European Urology, Journal of Urology, World Journal of Urology, British Journal of Urology International.
Main areas of interest : urologic oncology, reconstructive urology, endoscopy.