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Born in Bologna,Italy. Married. Two children.
Master Degree in Chemistry, October 1986 from the University of Bologna. PhD in Chemical Sciences in 1991.
1991-1992 PostDoctoral position at the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada, in Ottawa.
Visiting scientist at the NRC of Canada, Ottawa, in 1993,1994 e 1995.
Since 1992 researcher at the Department of Chemistry Ciamician, University of Bologna.
Since 2001 Associate Professor - Department of Chemistry Ciamician, University of Bologna.
Since 2016 Full Professor - Department of Chemistry Ciamician, University of Bologna.
F. Negri is the author of more than 170 scientific publications published on international journals and of three book's chapters. Her H-index is 43 (WOS), 44 (Scopus) 48 (Google Scholar).