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DR JEHAD ALI is currently working as an Assistant Professor in Dept. of AI Convergence Network at Ajou University, South Korea. He did Ph.D. degree and Post-doctorate from the Department of Computer Engineering, Graduate School, Ajou University, South Korea. Mr. Ali has Published papers in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Intillegent Transportation Systems, and IEEE Internet of Things journals. He has worked as a Lead Guest Editor of three special issues in Computers, Materials & Continua, and MDPI Electronics journals. Mr. Ali has participated and presented in IEEE and other prestigious conferences such as MobiSys (ACM), IEEE ICNC, IEEE IEMCON indexed by Scopus, DBLP, and Google Scholar. He has been reviewing papers for IEEE Transactions on Industrial informatics, Springer Wireless personal communication journal Netherlands, IEEE ACCESS , IEEE Sensors, PloS One, Sensors, Electronics, Sustainability, Applied Sciences, Computer Networks (Elsevier) and IEEE communication Letters etc. His research interests include Software-Defined Networking, tactical Networks, cognitive radio communications, Internet of Things, Wireless sensor networks, Machine Learning and applications of machine learning in Communication and Networking.