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Works (50 of 85)

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Genome assembly and population genomic data of a pulmonate snail <i>Ellobium chinense</i>

Scientific Data
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Kwak, Haena; Lee, Damin; Kim, Yukyung; Park, Joohee; Yeum, Heeseung; Kim, Donghee; Dong, Yun-Wei; Nakano, Tomoyuki; Jeong, Choongwon; Park, Joong-Ki
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The Fauna of Parasitic Barnacles (Cirripedia: Rhizocephala) in Korea

Zoological Studies
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Jung, Jibom; Park, Joong-Ki
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Complete mitochondrial genomes of the "Acmaeidae" limpets provide new insights into the internal phylogeny of the Patellogastropoda (Mollusca: Gastropoda)

Frontiers in Marine Science
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Putri, Eggy Triana; Lee, Damin; Kwak, Haena; Kim, Yukyung; Nakano, Tomoyuki; Park, Joong-Ki
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Morphological and molecular analysis of the tropical hermit crab Calcinus vachoni (Decapoda, Diogenidae) and its potential association with colonial anemone

2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Jung, Jibom; Park, Joong-Ki
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Complete mitochondrial genome of<i> Conus</i><i> lischkeanus</i> Weinkauff, 1875 (Neogastropoda, Conidae) and phylogenetic implications of the evolutionary diversification of dietary types of<i> Conus</i> species

2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Lee, Yucheol; Park, Joong-Ki
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Molecular survey of Cryptoplax japonica (Polyplacophora: Cryptoplacidae) reveals cryptic lineages in the northwestern Pacific

Journal of Molluscan Studies
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Park, Jina; Lee, Yucheol; Kim, Taeho; Kern, Elizabeth; Kil, Hyun-Jong; Eernisse, Douglas J.; Saito, Hiroshi; Park, Joong-Ki
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Morphological and molecular analyses of parasitic barnacles (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Rhizocephala) in Korea: preliminary data for the taxonomy and host ranges of Korean species

2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Jung, Jibom; Yoshida, Ryuta; Lee, Damin; Park, Joong-Ki
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Phylogeography of <i>Mytilisepta virgata</i> (Mytilidae: Bivalvia) in the northwestern Pacific: Cryptic mitochondrial lineages and mito-nuclear discordance

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Lee, Yucheol; Ni, Gang; Shin, Jinkyung; Kim, Taeho; Kern, Elizabeth M. A.; Kim, Yuseob; Kim, Seung-Chul; Chan, Benny; Goto, Ryutaro; Nakano, Tomoyuki et al.
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Life-history features and oceanography drive phylogeographic patterns of the chiton <i>Acanthochitona</i> cf. <i>rubrolineata</i> (Lischke, 1873) in the northwestern Pacific

2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Ni, Gang; Kim, Taeho; Shin, Youngheon; Park, Jina; Lee, Yucheol; Kil, Hyun-Jong; Park, Joong-Ki
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Morphological and molecular data on a new species of <i>Plagiorhynchus</i> Luhe, 1911 (Acanthocephala: Plagiorhynchidae) from the long-billed curlew (<i>Numenius</i> <i>americanus</i>) from northern Mexico

Journal of Helminthology
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Garcia-Varela, M.; Park, J-K; Hernandez-Orts, J. S.; Pinacho-Pinacho, C. D.
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The Mitochondrial Genome in Nematode Phylogenetics

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Kern, Elizabeth M. A.; Kim, Taeho; Park, Joong-Ki
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The mitochondrial genome of <i>Acrobeloides varius</i> (Cephalobomorpha) confirms non-monophyly of Tylenchina (Nematoda)

2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Kim, Taeho; Lee, Yucheol; Kil, Hyun-Jong; Park, Joong-Ki
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A mitochondrial genome phylogeny of Mytilidae (Bivalvia: Mytilida)

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Lee, Yucheol; Kwak, Haena; Shin, Jinkyung; Kim, Seung-Chul; Kim, Taeho; Park, Joong-Ki
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Evidence that alternative transcriptional initiation is largely nonadaptive

PLoS Biology
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Xu, Chuan; Park, Joong-Ki; Zhang, Jianzhi
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Impacts of Salt Stress on Locomotor and Transcriptomic Responses in the Intertidal Gastropod <i>Batillaria attramentaria</i>

The Biological Bulletin
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Phuong-Thao Ho; Rhee, Hwanseok; Kim, Jungmin; Seo, Chaehwa; Park, Joong Ki; Young, Curtis Robert; Won, Yong-Jin
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Phylogeography of the highly invasive sugar beet nematode, Heterodera schachtii (Schmidt, 1871), based on microsatellites

Evolutionary Applications
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Kim, Jiyeon; Ni, Gang; Kim, Taeho; Chun, Jae-Yong; Kern, Elizabeth M. A.; Park, Joong-Ki
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A revision of the genus Littorina (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Korea

Animal Cells and Systems
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Lee, Yucheol; Choe, Youngjae; Kern, Elizabeth M. A.; Shin, Yeongheon; Kim, Taeho; Park, Joong-Ki
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Population Genomic Analysis Reveals Contrasting Demographic Changes of Two Closely Related Dolphin Species in the Last Glacial

Molecular Biology and Evolution
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Vijay, Nagarjun; Park, Chungoo; Oh, Jooseong; Jin, Soyeong; Kern, Elizabeth; Kim, Hyun Woo; Zhang, Jianzhi; Park, Joong-Ki
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The bipartite mitochondrial genome of Ruizia karukerae (Rhigonematomorpha, Nematoda)

Scientific Reports
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Taeho Kim; Elizabeth Kern; Chungoo Park; Steven A. Nadler; Yeon Jae Bae
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The developmental transcriptome atlas of the spoon worm <i>Urechis unicinctus</i> (Echiurida: Annelida)

2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Park, Chungoo; Han, Yong-Hee; Lee, Sung-Gwon; Ry, Kyoung-Bin; Oh, Jooseong; Kern, Elizabeth M. A.; Park, Joong-Ki; Cho, Sung-Jin
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Acrobeloides varius sp n. (Rhabditida: Cephalobidae) from South Korea

2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Kim, Taeho; Kim, Jiyeon; Park, Joong-Ki
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Description of Pseudacrobeles (Pseudacrobeles) curvatus sp n. (Cephalobidae: Rhabditida) in South Korea

Journal of Nematology
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Kim, Jiyeon; Kim, Taeho; Park, Joong-Ki
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Draft genome of the sea cucumber <i>Apostichopus japonicus</i> and genetic polymorphism among color variants (vol 6, pg 1, 2017)

2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Jo, Jihoon; Oh, Jooseong; Lee, Hyun-Gwan; Hong, Hyun-Hee; Lee, Sung-Gwon; Cheon, Seongmin; Kern, Elizabeth M. A.; Jin, Soyeong; Cho, Sung-Jin; Park, Joong-Ki et al.
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Draft genome of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus and genetic polymorphism among color variants

2017 | Journal article
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More than meets the eye: The barrier effect of the Yangtze River outflow

Molecular Ecology
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Ni, Gang; Kern, Elizabeth; Dong, Yun-Wei; Li, Qi; Park, Joong-Ki
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Phylogenetic analysis of two Plectus mitochondrial genomes (Nematoda: Plectida) supports a sister group relationship between Plectida and Rhabditida within Chromadorea

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Kim, Jiyeon; Kern, Elizabeth; Kim, Taeho; Sim, Mikang; Kim, Jaebum; Kim, Yuseob; Park, Chungoo; Nadler, Steven A.; Park, Joong-Ki
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Characterization of 15 microsatellite loci and genetic analysis of Heterodera schachtii (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) in South Korea

Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Kim, Jiyeon; Kim, Taeho; Lee, Yu-Cheol; Chun, Jae-Yong; Kern, Elizabeth M. A.; Jung, Jongwoo; Park, Joong-Ki
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Comparative transcriptome analysis of three color variants of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus

Marine Genomics
2016 | Journal article
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Mitogenomic phylogeny of Acanthocephala reveals novel Class relationships

Zoologica Scripta
2016 | Journal article
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State-of-the-art housekeeping proteins for quantitative western blotting: Revisiting the first draft of the human proteome

2016 | Journal article
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The complete mitochondrial genome of Koerneria sudhausi (Diplogasteromorpha: Nematoda) supports monophyly of Diplogasteromorpha within Rhabditomorpha

Current Genetics
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Kim, Taeho; Kim, Jiyeon; Nadler, Steven A.; Park, Joong-Ki
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The complete mitochondrial genome of the Japanese fan lobster Ibacus ciliatus (Crustacea, Achelata, Scyllaridae)

Mitochondrial DNA Part A
2016 | Journal article
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The complete mitochondrial genome of the red-banded lobster <i>Metanephrops thomsoni</i> (Crustacea, Astacidea, Nephropidae): a novel gene order

Mitochondrial DNA Part A
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Ahn, Dong-Ha; Min, Gi-Sik; Park, Joong-Ki; Kim, Sanghee
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The complete mitochondrial genome of the Violet-spotted reef lobster Enoplometopus debelius (Crustacea, Astacidea, Enoplometopidae)

Mitochondrial DNA Part A
2016 | Journal article
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Journal of Shellfish Research
2015 | Journal article
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Mitochondrial genomes advance phylogenetic hypotheses for Tylenchina (Nematoda: Chromadorea)

Zoologica Scripta
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Kim, Jiyeon; Lee, Sang-Hwa; Gazi, Mohiuddin; Kim, Taeho; Jung, Daewui; Chun, Jae-Yong; Kim, Sanghee; Seo, Tae-Kun; Park, Chungoo; Baldwin, James G. et al.
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Phylogeography of the Rock Shell <i>Thais clavigera</i> (Mollusca): Evidence for Long-Distance Dispersal in the Northwestern Pacific

Plos One
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Guo, Xiang; Zhao, Dan; Jung, Daewui; Li, Qi; Kong, Ling-Feng; Ni, Gang; Nakano, Tomoyuki; Matsukuma, Akihiko; Kim, Sanghee; Park, Chungoo et al.
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Phylogeography of the Rock Shell Thais clavigera (Mollusca): Evidence for Long-Distance Dispersal in the Northwestern Pacific (vol 10, e0129715, 2015)

Plos One
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Guo, Xiang; Zhao, Dan; Jung, Daewui; Li, Qi; Kong, Ling-Feng; Ni, Gang; Nakano, Tomoyuki; Matsukuma, Akihiko; Kim, Sanghee; Park, Chungoo et al.
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The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Southwellina hispida supports monophyly of Palaeacanthocephala (Acanthocephala: Polymorphida)

Parasitology International
2015 | Journal article
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Phylogeny of Rhigonematomorpha based on the complete mitochondrial genome of Rhigonema thysanophora (Nematoda: Chromadorea)

Zoologica Scripta
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Kim, Taeho; Kim, Jiyeon; Cho, Soowon; Min, Gi-Sik; Park, Chungoo; Carreno, Ramon A.; Nadler, Steven A.; Park, Joong-Ki
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Comparative analysis of complete mitochondrial genome sequences confirms independent origins of plant-parasitic nematodes

BMC Evolutionary Biology
2013 | Journal article
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Comparison of complete mitochondrial genomes of pine wilt nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and Bursaphelenchus mucronatus (Nematoda: Aphelenchoidea) and development of a molecular tool for species identification

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Complete mitochondrial genome of an Asian Lesser White-toothed Shrew, <i>Crocidura shantungensis</i> (Soricidae)

Mitochondrial DNA
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Kim, Hye Ri; Park, Joong-Ki; Cho, Jae Youl; Park, Yung Chul
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The complete mitochondrial genome of the Japanese ghost shrimp <i>Nihonotrypaea japonica</i> (Crustacea, Decapoda, Axiidea)

Mitochondrial DNA
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Kim, Sanghee; Ahn, Dong-Ha; Park, Joong-Ki; Kim, Se-Joo; Choi, Han-Gu; Min, Gi-Sik
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The complete mitochondrial genome of the subarctic red king crab, Paralithodes camtschaticus (Decapoda, Anomura)

Mitochondrial DNA
2013 | Journal article
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Triton's trident: cryptic Neogene divergences in a marine clam (Lasaea australis) correspond to Australia's three temperate biogeographic provinces

Molecular Ecology
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Jingchun Li; Diarmaid Ó Foighil; Joong-Ki Park
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Complete mitochondrial genome of the northern mauxia shrimp Acetes chinensis (Decapoda, Dendrobranchiata, Sergestoidae)

Mitochondrial DNA
2012 | Journal article
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Development of single-nucleotide polymorphism-based phylum-specific PCR amplification technique: Application to the community analysis using ciliates as a reference organism

Molecules and Cells
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Jung, Jae-Ho; Kim, Sanghee; Ryu, Seongho; Kim, Min-Seok; Baek, Ye-Seul; Kim, Se-Joo; Choi, Joong-Ki; Park, Joong-Ki; Min, Gi-Sik
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2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Moon, B. S.; Lim, H. C.; Lee, Y. C.; Hahn, K. H.; Jung, J. B.; Cheon, C. Y.; Lee, S. I.
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Korea Barcode of Life Database System (KBOL)

Animal Cells and Systems
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Kim, Sungmin; Kim, Chang-Bae; Min, Gi-Sik; Suh, Youngbae; Bhak, Jong; Woo, Taeha; Koo, Hyeyoung; Choi, Jun-Kil; Shin, Mann Kyoon; Jung, Jongwoo et al.
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Peer review (4 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Molecular phylogenetics and evolution. (3)
Review activity for Scientific data. (1)