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Works (17)

Optically Pumped GaSb-Based Thin-Disk Laser Design Considerations for CW and Dual-Comb Operation at a Center Wavelength Around 2 $\rm \mu$m

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
2025-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Marco Gaulke; Maximilian C. Schuchter; Nicolas Huwyler; Matthias Golling; Benjamin Willenberg; Christopher R. Phillips; Ursula Keller
Source: check_circle

Upconversion-pumped femtosecond thulium laser at 2309 nm mode-locked by a GaSb-based SESAM

Optics Express
2024-04-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Aleksey Tyazhev; Ji Eun Bae; Marco Gaulke; Pavel Loiko; Jonas Heidrich; Matthias Golling; Said Idlahcen; Lauren Guillemot; Thomas Godin; Patrice Camy et al.
Source: check_circle

2-μm 1.5-W Optically Pumped Semiconductor Membrane Laser

IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
2024-04-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Maximilian C. Schuchter; Nicolas Huwyler; Matthias Golling; Marco Gaulke; Ursula Keller
Source: check_circle

Gigahertz semiconductor laser at a center wavelength of 2 µm in single and dual-comb operation

Optics Express
2024-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Marco Gaulke; Jonas Heidrich; Nicolas Huwyler; Maximilian Schuchter; Matthias Golling; Benjamin Willenberg; Ajanta Barh; Ursula Keller
Source: check_circle

Mapping modelocking progress in GaSb: from VECSEL and SESAM to the dual-comb MIXSEL

2023 | Dissertation or Thesis
Source: Self-asserted source
Marco Gaulke

3-W output power from a 2-µm InGaSb VECSEL using a hybrid metal-semiconductor Bragg reflector

Optical Materials Express
2023-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Nicolas Huwyler; Marco Gaulke; Jonas Heidrich; Matthias Golling; Ajanta Barh; Ursula Keller
Source: check_circle

Low-Noise Femtosecond SESAM Modelocked Diode-Pumped Cr:ZnS Oscillator

IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics
2023-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Jonas Heidrich; Ajanta Barh; Sandro L. Camenzind; Benjamin Willenberg; Marco Gaulke; Matthias Golling; Christopher R. Phillips; Ursula Keller
Source: check_circle

Single-cavity dual-modelocked 2.36-µm laser

Optics Express
2023-02-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Ajanta Barh; Alexander Nussbaum-Lapping; Jonas Heidrich; Marco Gaulke; Matthias Golling; Christopher R. Phillips; Ursula Keller
Source: check_circle

Bandgap engineering, monolithic growth, and operation parameters of GaSb-based SESAMs in the 2–2.4 µm range

Optical Materials Express
2022-06-01 | Journal article
Contributors: B. Özgür Alaydin; Marco Gaulke; Jonas Heidrich; Matthias Golling; Ajanta Barh; Ursula Keller
Source: check_circle

324-fs Pulses From a SESAM Modelocked Backside-Cooled 2-μm VECSEL

IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
2022-03-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Jonas Heidrich; Marco Gaulke; Matthias Golling; Behcet Ozgur Alaydin; Ajanta Barh; Ursula Keller
Source: check_circle

High-power low-noise 2-GHz femtosecond laser oscillator at 2.4 µm

Optics Express
2022-02-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Ajanta Barh; B. Özgür Alaydin; Jonas Heidrich; Marco Gaulke; Matthias Golling; Christopher R. Phillips; Ursula Keller
Source: check_circle

Watt-level and sub-100-fs self-starting mode-locked 2.4-µm Cr:ZnS oscillator enabled by GaSb-SESAMs

Opt. Express
2021 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Marco Gaulke

High average output power from a backside-cooled 2-µm InGaSb VECSEL with full gain characterization

Optics Express
2021-11-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Marco Gaulke; Jonas Heidrich; B. Özgür Alaydin; Matthias Golling; Ajanta Barh; Ursula Keller
Source: check_circle

Full optical SESAM characterization methods in the 1.9 to 3-µm wavelength regime

Optics Express
2021-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Jonas Heidrich; Marco Gaulke; Behcet Ozgur Alaydin; Matthias Golling; Ajanta Barh; Ursula Keller
Source: check_circle

Ionic liquid gating of single-walled carbon nanotube devices with ultra-short channel length down to 10 nm

Applied Physics Letters
2021-02-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Alexander Janissek; Jakob Lenz; Fabio del Giudice; Marco Gaulke; Felix Pyatkov; Simone Dehm; Frank Hennrich; Li Wei; Yuan Chen; Artem Fediai et al.
Source: check_circle

Low-Temperature Electroluminescence Excitation Mapping of Excitons and Trions in Short-Channel Monochiral Carbon Nanotube Devices

ACS Nano
2020-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1936-0851
Part of ISSN: 1936-086X
Source: Self-asserted source
Marco Gaulke

A unified kinetic model for adsorption and desorption – Applied to water on zeolite

Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
2016-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1387-1811
Source: Self-asserted source
Marco Gaulke