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Barbara Scola Rodrigues did her undergraduate studies at Federal Institute of São Paulo (IFSP, 2014-2017), where she performed research in the educational field with emphasis in sciences/chemistry teaching. She started her master's studies at Federal University of ABC (UFABC-2018) focused on synthesis and characterization of photoactive semiconductors, under supervision of Dr. Juliana dos Santos de Souza with grant of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). During her master's studies she was awarded with a FAPESP grant to research abroad; where she investigated the reactivity of photoelectrochemical interfaces under guidance of Dr. Joaquín Rodríguez-López at the University of Illinois. Barbara got a FAPESP grant to the PhD program (2020), before completing her master studies and currently she is performing her investigations with an optimized system focused on the heterojunctions properties, under supervision of Dr. Juliana dos Santos de Souza (also at UFABC).
Education and qualifications (2)
Funding (3)
Works (10)