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Pr Patricia Delhomme is a research director in the Laboratory of Applied Psychology and Ergonomics (LaPEA) at Université Gustave Eiffel (UGE). She works on decision-making processes involved in daily activities and behavioural change to promote road safety and healthy actions. She is currently interested in new modes of transportation such as the use of electric scooters and the risks related to interactions between e-scooter riders and other road users, as well as the use of automated vehicles and their interactions with other road users. She supervised more than 50 PhD and postdocs in social, cognitive and applied psychology. She has authored over 300 internationally refereed publications and reports.
She is a membership of a number of committees such as guest editor of special Issues of Transport Psychology in European Review of Applied Psychology in 2008 and in 2014, chairperson of different sessions of some international conferences : International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP 2014) on "Influence of cognitive and motivational factors on eco-friendly traffic behavior”; International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP 2016) on "Sustainable transport", and International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2018) on "Driver Skill,” as well as a scientific committee member of ICTTP 2016 . She is an associate editor for Transportation Research part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. She is/was a member of the board Committee of Accident Analysis and Prevention, Bulletin de Psychologie, European Review of Applied Psychology, Journal of Safety Research and Recherche, Transport, Sécurité. Patricia Delhomme regularly participates in committees for the recruitment of assistant professors and professors and for the evaluation of their careers in France, Europe and outside Europe. She is also a regular member of PhD panels and is regularly invited to evaluate research projects, at the national or local level in France, in Europe (such as Italy, Norway, Sweden) and outside Europe (such as Australia, Canada).