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Dr. Divya Sekhar Vaka is a Satellite Remote Sensing Analyst at GEOFEM, with experience in InSAR for infrastructure and environmental monitoring. He holds a PhD in SAR Interferometry from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and an MTech in Remote Sensing from Andhra University, India. His expertise lies in using InSAR for monitoring and analyzing urban subsidence, slope stability (including landslides, mines, tailing dams), subsidence due to oil/natural gas extraction, groundwater exploitation, and earthquake deformations, with a specific focus on land and geohazards. He is a member of IEEE, IEEE-GRSS, ISPRS, and ISRS. He has participated, published, and reviewed technical papers in reputed conferences and journals.
Dr. Vaka has been a team member on several projects funded by the European Space Agency and other European funding bodies, and he has successfully completed numerous commercial projects. His interests and skills encompass a wide range of areas, including machine learning, deep learning, geophysical modeling, GPS-GNSS, SAR-optical data fusion, change detection, sea level rise, and geospatial analysis.
Employment (2)
Education and qualifications (3)
Works (10)