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Works (12)

Webcomics 2024: Creativity in Small Spaces [Web/Comics]

2024-09-10 | Conference paper
Contributors: Francesca Benatti; Linda Berube; Ernesto Priego
Source: check_circle

“Moving with the story”: the haptics of reader experience and response to digital comics

New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia
2024-04-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Linda Berube; Ernesto Priego; Stella Wisdom; Ian Cooke; Stephann Makri
Source: check_circle

Web/Comics 2023

2023-09-04 | Conference paper
Contributors: Francesca Benatti; Linda Berube; Ernesto Priego
Source: check_circle

“Webcomics Archive? Now I'm Interested”: Comics Readers Seeking Information in Web Archives

2023-03-19 | Conference paper
Contributors: Linda Berube; Stephann Makri; Ian Cooke; Ernesto Priego; Stella Wisdom
Source: check_circle

My Heart Goes Boom Boom!

On the Margins: Hypertext, Electronic Literature, Digital Humanities
2022 | Preprint
Contributors: Linda Berube
Source: Self-asserted source
Linda Berube

The Parallel Universe: A Review of Webcomics

The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship
2022-12-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Linda Berube
Source: check_circle

Identifying the future direction of legal deposit in the United Kingdom: The Digital Library Futures approach

Journal of Documentation
2021-08-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Paul Gooding; Melissa Terras; Linda Berube
Source: check_circle

Follow the users

Electronic Legal Deposit: Shaping the library collections of the future
2020 | Book chapter
Contributors: Frankie Wilson; Linda Berube
Source: Self-asserted source
Linda Berube

Context is Everything: A Review of Comics Studies: A Guidebook

The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship
2020-10-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Linda Berube
Source: check_circle

Disruption and the Management of Information'.

The Emerald Handbook of Modern Information Management
2017 | Book chapter
Contributors: Linda Berube
Source: Self-asserted source
Linda Berube

Berube, L., 2011. Do you Web 2.0?

2011 | Book
Contributors: Linda Berube
Source: Self-asserted source
Linda Berube


New Review of Information Networking
2004-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1361-4576
Part of ISSN: 1740-7869
Contributors: James Dearnley; Anne Morris; Cliff McKnight; Linda Berube; Martin Palmer; Joanne John
Source: Self-asserted source
Linda Berube