Personal information
Dr. Nurseda Y. Yürüşen: She received a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Ege University in Izmir, Turkey in 2012, an MSc. in Energy Technology with a focus on Wind Power from the Uppsala University, Sweden in 2014, an MSc. in Energy Engineering from the Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey in 2015. She was a visiting researcher at Loughborough University in the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST, UK) in 2017. She obtained her PhD in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency from the University of Zaragoza, Spain in 2019. Between 2015 and 2022, She was a researcher in CIRCE, where she was involved in the Advanced Wind Energy Systems Operation and Maintenance Expertise (AWESOME) project (2015-2019) within the European Union’s Marie Curie Innovative Training Network and she was in charge developing of algorithms for DOCTOR PV, H2020 FLEXICIENCY, and DEPNOTEC II (Viesgo project for grid non-technical losses detection) projects. In 2021, she was involved in FOTOBIGDATA (IDI-20200417) (Isemaren) project, where solar PV O&M planning optimisation and KPIs for solar PV monitoring tasks are performed. She was responsible for developing algorithms for real-time monitoring & forecasting applications for a commercial solar PV power plant (Maetel), and carrying out subtasks of ENERISLA, H2020 SYNERGY, and H2020 INTERPRETER projects. She is co-author of various articles published in scientific journals (Renewable Energy, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Energy Procedia) and international conferences (IEEE CyberWorlds, Smart Grids, IEEE GreenTech, TORQUE, WindEurope, EUPVSEC, etc.). She was a lecturer at the University of Zaragoza, Renewable Energy Grid Integration Master Courses in 2021 & 2022. In addition, she is a recognized reviewer for Applied Energy Journal, European Journal of Operational Research, Energies, and Journal of Cleaner Production. Her research interests include renewable energy applications, optimisation, reliability of photovoltaic power plants, machine learning applications for the electrical grid data, statistics, and the decision support systems for the wind farm management activities.
Currently she is working in UL Solutions as Project Engineer in Asset & Sustainability Performance Energy Advisory, Iberia and Latin America Renewables group.
Employment (2)
Education and qualifications (4)
Funding (6)
Works (15)