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Works (8)

Neural subspaces of imagined movements in parietal cortex remain stable over several years in humans

Journal of Neural Engineering
2024-08-01 | Journal article
Contributors: L Bashford; I A Rosenthal; S Kellis; D Bjånes; K Pejsa; B W Brunton; R A Andersen
Source: check_circle

Visual context affects the perceived timing of tactile sensations elicited through intra-cortical microstimulation

2024-05-14 | Preprint
Contributors: Isabelle A. Rosenthal; Luke Bashford; David Bjånes; Kelsie Pejsa; Brian Lee; Charles Liu; Richard A. Andersen
Source: check_circle

Online internal speech decoding from single neurons in a human participant

2022-11-05 | Preprint
Contributors: Sarah K. Wandelt; David A. Bjånes; Kelsie Pejsa; Brian Lee; Charles Liu; Richard A. Andersen
Source: check_circle

Multi-channel intra-cortical micro-stimulation yields quick reaction times and evokes natural somatosensations in a human participant

2022-08-09 | Preprint
Contributors: David A. Bjånes; Luke Bashford; Kelsie Pejsa; Brian Lee; Charles Y. Liu; Richard A. Andersen
Source: check_circle

Decoding grasp and speech signals from the cortical grasp circuit in a tetraplegic human

2021-11-01 | Other
Contributors: S. K. Wandelt; S. Kellis; D. A. Bjånes; K. Pejsa; B. Lee; C. Liu; R. A. Andersen
Source: check_circle

Heuristic Spike Sorting Tuner (HSST), a framework to determine optimal parameter selection for a generic spike sorting algorithm

2020-05-25 | Preprint
Contributors: David A. Bjånes; Lee E. Fisher; Robert A. Gaunt; Douglas J. Weber
Source: check_circle

A Robust Encoding Scheme for Delivering Artificial Sensory Information via Direct Brain Stimulation

IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
2019-10 | Journal article
Contributors: David A. Bjanes; Chet T. Moritz
Source: check_circle

Automated Center-out Rodent Behavioral Trainer (ACRoBaT), an automated device for training rats to perform a modified center out task

Behavioural Brain Research
2018-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0166-4328
Source: Self-asserted source
David Bjanes