Personal information
Scientific activity:
The author of more than 300 printed works, including: 10 monographs, 35 training manuals (7 of them with the seal of MONU); supervised the scientific research of four young scientists who defended theses for the scientific degree of candidates of sciences and two doctors of sciences. Five young graduate students continue scientific research in the direction of "Digitalization of education: modern methods and forms of renewal of the educational environment, digital competences of participants in the educational process and artificial intelligence in education."
I have three copyright certificates of inventions and discoveries.
Professional interests and activities:
Modern information technologies in education.
Digital technologies in the organization of postgraduate education.
Digitization of the educational process.
Methodology for the development of electronic educational resources.
Development of educational Internet resources.
Methodological aspects of the use of digital technologies in the professional activity of a teacher.
Conceptual foundations of the implementation of digital educational resources in the educational process.
Organizational and methodical principles of organization and support of distance and mixed learning.
Development of a digital educational environment: methodology, principles.
Artificial intelligence in the educational process.
Employment (1)
Works (14)