Personal information
Rusinov Petr Olegovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department, is the Federal Expert of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), the Federal Expert of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, has more than 270 scientific papers (publications), incl. scientific articles in high-ranking international journals of the first quartile Q1, articles indexed in the international databases Web of Science and Scopus, 8 monographs and 39 patents, three of which are included in the list of 100 best Russian patents 2010, 2011 , 2014. Awarded with a gold medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a gold medal and a diploma of education and science of the Krasnodar Territory; diploma of the exhibition NTTM, Moscow; a gold medal and a diploma for the development of a "Multifunctional technological complex for the production of nanostructured composite materials" at the global inventive forum "GLOBAL INVENTION FORUM IN CYPRUS" (Limassol, Republic of Cyprus, October 19-20, 2021); gold medal and diploma of the XVII Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "Archimedes-2014"; bronze medal and diploma of the International Salon of Inventions "Competition Lepin", 2014 Paris, France.
He defended his Ph.D. thesis in 2010. majoring in Materials Science (Mechanical Engineering).
He defended his doctoral dissertation in 2019. majoring in Powder Metallurgy and Composite Materials.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (1)
Professional activities (2)
Funding (16)
9-555 (2014)К
Госзадание на НИР Минобрнауки Проект № 7.722
5) АВЦП Аналитическая ведомственная целевая программа "Развитие научного потенциала высшей школы" 2.1.2/9426 (2011 г.)
РНП 2.1.2/6702
РНП 2.1.2/6803