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Thomas FIX is a researcher at CNRS – University of Strasbourg in the ICube laboratory, France, since 2012. He started research with a PhD on spintronics at IPCMS France. He then worked for six years in the Department of Materials Science, University of Cambridge, investigating thin film oxides as a tenured research associate. His current research field is advanced concepts and innovative materials for solar cells. He started working in this field through the Master in photovoltaics organised by Fraunhofer ISE and the University of Freiburg. Current research topics include novel oxides for photovoltaics, downconversion and downshifting for photovoltaics, and silicon clathrate thin films.
He has experience in collaborative projects at the European level, for example with the NMP NANOXIDE project from 2006 to 2009, the ERC NOVOX (Perfectly interfaced nanomaterials for next generation oxide electronics) from 2010 to 2012 and the ERASMUS+ MEDSOL from 2016 to 2019. He obtained in 2013, 2015, 2020 and 2021 the funding of exploratory projects by CNRS (CODOPER, PEROPV, CLASS, CIGALE-PV) and of the ANR (FERROPV, 2016-2019, REACTIVE 2022-2025, EXOSIL 2022-2025). His first edited book has been published in 2019 on the topic of “Advanced Micro– and nanomaterials for Photovoltaics”. He is expert for various scientific funding agencies including the European Commission and ANR. He was also the organizer of a photovoltaic symposium at E-MRS Spring 2021.