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Filipa Correia received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Lisbon, Portugal, 2021. She is currently an assistant researcher at Interactive Technologies Institute, LARSYS. Her multidisciplinary research tackles the intersection of robotics, computer science and social psychology (i.e., human-robot interaction), and it is particularly focused on group dynamics between humans and robots in collaborative scenarios. In the past, she was a teaching assistant in the courses of Artificial Intelligence, Multi-Agents Systems, Society and Computing, and Social Robots & Human-Robot Interaction. She had also been part of two EU Projects, EMOTE and iv4XR. Filipa has scientific contributions as book chapters, journal papers and top-tier conference papers (e.g., RSS, AAMAS, IROS, HRI, ASSETS), and she also did community service as a reviewer and a Program Chair of the HRI Pioneers Workshop. Her work has been widely acknowledged by the scientific community especially within the topics of human-robot group interactions and human-robot teamwork.
Employment (7)
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