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Works (5)

Gluon distributions in the proton in a light-front spectator model

Physical Review D
2023-07-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Dipankar Chakrabarti; Poonam Choudhary; Bheemsehan Gurjar; Raj Kishore; Tanmay Maji; Chandan Mondal; Asmita Mukherjee
Source: check_circle

Azimuthal asymmetries in J/ψ -photon production at the EIC

Physical Review D
2023-01-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Dipankar Chakrabarti; Raj Kishore; Asmita Mukherjee; Sangem Rajesh
Source: check_circle

cos2ϕt azimuthal asymmetry in back-to-back J/ψ -jet production in ep→eJ/ψ jet X at the EIC

Physical Review D
2022-08-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Raj Kishore; Asmita Mukherjee; Amol Pawar; Mariyah Siddiqah
Source: check_circle

Extraction of the valence transversity distributions from SIDIS data

Physical Review D
2020-11-12 | Journal article
Contributors: M. Anselmino; R. Kishore; A. Mukherjee
Source: check_circle

Sivers asymmetry in the photoproduction of a J/ψ and a jet at the EIC

Physical Review D
2020-03-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Raj Kishore; Asmita Mukherjee; Sangem Rajesh
Source: check_circle