Personal information

Processed cheese and analogues, Cheese sauces/Processed cheese sauces, Casein and whey proteins, Dairy desserts, yoghurts, Food for sportsmen and physically active people, Dairy products, Hydrocolloids


Bartosz G. Sołowiej works as Assoc. Prof. in the Department of Milk Technology and Hydrocolloids at the Faculty of Food Sciences and Biotechnology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland. He utilizes proteins and polysaccharides to improve functional properties of selected dairy products; deals with food products development, particularly foods for sportsmen and physically active people. He graduated from the prestigious Top 500 Innovators “Science. Management. Commercialization” program of the University of California Berkeley, USA. He was an Endeavour Research Fellow - Visiting Professor at Victoria University, Melbourne. Also, Bartosz was a scholar at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and participated in many international trainings in frames of Socrates Intensive Program: “Food and Consumer” - Corvinus University of Budapest, “Agriculture - raw materials for industry” - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, “Safety in the Agro-Food Chain” – Ghent University. He was a member of Young Scientists Council (RMN) at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, (2013-2015) and the Program Council of Food Technology and Human Nutrition course at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (2013-2017). Bartosz Sołowiej participated in EU research and scientific projects: “Transfer of knowledge as an opportunity for the development of agriculture, small and medium-sized enterprises” as a main contractor and “The Power of Knowledge” as a scientific expert. He was a semi-finalist of the international competition to popularize science - FameLab, with the topic “The second life of whey”, organized by the Copernicus Science Centre and the British Council in 2015. Also, he was an expert in field of food additives and processed cheese in frames of Radio Lublin’s cyclic program “Secrets of food” (2015) and utilization of whey proteins in food products for sportsmen in Radio eR (2016). In the years 2004 - 2007 he gave a series of lectures “Food fortification and diet supplementation”, “Whey proteins – 21st century proteins” and “What we know about functional food” for chemistry teachers in frames of the Seminars organized by publishing house “Nowa Era” in many cities in Poland. Since 2009, Bartosz Sołowiej is an international lecturer as a part of the Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility Program.


Employment (8)

University of Life Sciences: Lublin, PL

2020-09-01 to present | Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

University of Life Sciences in Lublin: Lublin, PL

2018-10-01 to present | Associate Professor (Department of Milk Technology and Hydrocolloids)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

University of Life Sciences: Lublin, PL

2017-01-01 to 2020-12-31 | Rector's Proxy for Innovation
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

University of Life Sciences in Lublin: Lublin, PL

2015-06-30 to 2018-09-30 | Lecturer in Post-doctoral position (Department of Milk Technology and Hydrocolloids)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

University of Life Sciences in Lublin: Lublin, PL

2007-10-01 to 2015-06-30 | Assistant Professor (Department of Milk Technology and Hydrocolloids)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

“JAL” Processed Cheese Manufacturers: Kępa, PL

2011-11 to 2012-02 | Advisor
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

University of Life Sciences in Lublin: Lublin, PL

2006-11-01 to 2007-10-01 | Assistant (Department of Biotechnology, Human Nutrition and Food Commodities)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

“KRAUTEX” Herb Company: Lopiennik Kolonia, Lubelskie, PL

2005-01 to 2006-02 | Researcher
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

Education and qualifications (10)

Victoria University: Melbourne, VIC, AU

2018-11-01 to 2019-03-15 | Endeavour Research Fellow - Visiting Professor
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business: Berkeley, CA, US

2012-10-15 to 2012-12-15 | Certificate of Business Excellence
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

University of British Columbia Faculty of Land and Food Systems: Vancouver, BC, CA

2009-07-15 to 2009-12-15 | Post-secondary teaching assistant (Dekaban Foundation Scholarship)
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

University of Life Sciences: Lublin, PL

2002-10-01 to 2006-09-20 | Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

Corvinus University of Budapest: Budapest, HU

2006-01 to 2006-02 | Post-graduate student
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

Hebrew University Rehovot Campus: Rehovot, IL

2004-05 to 2004-07 | Post-graduate student
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences: Vienna, AT

2003-02 to 2003-02 | Post-graduate student
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

Ghent University: Ghent, BE

2003-01 to 2003-01 | Post-graduate student
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

Agricultural University, Lublin, Poland, Inter-Pedagogical Study: Lublin, PL

2000-10-01 to 2002-06-11 | Teacher’s Diploma
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

Agricultural University, Lublin, Poland, Faculty of Agriculture: Lublin, PL

1997-10-01 to 2002-06-11 | M.Sc.
Source: Self-asserted source
Bartosz Grzegorz Sołowiej

Peer review (9 reviews for 3 publications/grants)

Review activity for Chemistry & biodiversity. (2)
Review activity for International dairy journal. (6)
Review activity for Meat science. (1)