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Laura Neiva is a junior researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS), University of Minho, Portugal. She holds a B.A. in Criminology (Faculty of Law of the University of Porto, 2017), a MA in Crime, Difference, and Inequality (Department of Sociology, University of Minho, 2019), and a PhD in Sociology (Department of Sociology, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, 2024). In 2020, she was awarded a PhD scholarship, promoted by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) through a highly competitive call to develop her PhD with a thesis on “Expectations of police officers about Big Data in policing and criminal investigation in Portugal”. Her research background is interdisciplinary, namely combining Criminology, Sociology, and Social Studies of Science and Technology. Exploring the ethical, political, and societal challenges emerging from the use of Big Data in criminal investigations, Laura’s work aims to understand how expectations about Big Data might impact the criminal justice, police, and law enforcement. Previously, she was a junior researcher in a European Research Council-funded project, “EXCHANGE - Forensic Geneticists and the Transnational Exchange of DNA data in the EU: Engaging Science with Social Control, Citizenship, and Democracy”, led by Helena Machado. She is the author of the book “Big Data na investigação criminal: desafios e expectativas na União Europeia” [“Big Data in criminal investigation: challenges and expectations in the European Union”], Editora Húmus. She is the author and co-author of 13 publications about Big Data, security policies, privacy challenges, social expectations, surveillance, and, more recently, public views about artificial intelligence. She has been involved in international research networks, such as the AIDA social sciences research network – artificial intelligence, data & algorithms, and the Working Group on Qualitative Research Methodologies and Epistemologies (WG-QRME) of the European Society of Criminology. Finally, she has participated, with communications, in international and national scientific events, such as the General Conference on Organized Crime, Data Power, Annual Conference of European Society of Criminology, and Portuguese Congress of Sociology.
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