Personal information
Brief Bio
Basile Adriana
Researcher unique identifier(s): ORCID : 0000-0002-2001-8959
SCOPUS: 56215233600
Date of birth: 09 April 1960
Nationality: Italian
URL for the web site:
Main research topics:
• Morpho-physio-ecological responses of plants to environmental abiotic stresses.
• Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in plants
Biological interactions between plant and environment -mosses, lichens, and aquatic plants as biomonitors of terrestrial ecosystems and bioaccumulation of heavy metals; effects of heavy metals on the morphogenesis of higher plants and bryophytes; the cyto-physio-ecological response of plants to the presence of pollutant; use of aquatic plants in phytoremediation projects. In particular: tissue and cell localization of heavy metals and their influence on morphogenesis and ultrastructure. Biochemical/physiological response of toxic-tolerant plants to heavy metals: phytochelatins, Heat Shock Proteins, the activity of the antioxidant enzyme, genic activation/inhibition. Monitoring of heavy metal environmental pollution using mosses, lichens, and aquatic plants.
From 1st, November 2000 and actually Associate Professor
From 1st November 1990 to 31 October 2000. Researcher of Botany, Department of Biology, University Federico II Napoli, Italy.
1995-2001. Teacher of Botany I – Degree in Biological Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II. Napoli.
2001- 2003 Basic Biology and Animal and Plant Systems
2005-2006 Teacher of the Environmental Botany Course for the Degree Course in Biology of Production and Aquatic Environments of the Federico II University of Naples
2003- to today Plant Biology and laboratory. - Degree in General and Applied Biology, University of Naples Federico II.
2001-2002 Teacher of Plant Environmental Protection for the Master's Degree in Biosafety.
2003-2015 Teacher of Plant Biology and Plant Cytology and Embryology both for the Degree Course in General and Applied Biology and for the Master's Degree in Biology of Federico II University of Naples.
2015- 2019 Teacher of Elements of Developmental Biology in Plants both for the Degree Course in General and Applied Biology and for the Master's Degree in Biology of Federico II University of Naples.
From 2019 to today: Teacher of Plant Environmental Protection for the Master's Degree in Biology of Federico II University of Naples.
2006 - 2012 Member of the teaching staff for the Interdepartmental Research Doctorate in Environmental Systems Analysis
National Congress Organization:
Organizing Committee of the Congress “Electronic Microscopy in Naples: 20 years of activity since the foundation of the center. October 22, 1986, Electron Microscopy Center, Naples Botanical Garden
Organizing Committee of the 85th Congress of the Italian Botanical Society 1990. Department of Plant Biology Naples. 9/10/1990 - 12/10/1990
President of the Scientific Committee and organizing committee of the conference Annual meeting of the SBI working groups Cellular and Molecular Biology Biotechnology and Differentiation. Naples-2019. 12-14 June
International Congress Organization:
She was co-organizer and teacher of the EuroLabCourse Workshop - Multidisciplinary Synergism to Improve European Allelopathy Research. Eurolab course on Allelopathy was an International short course approved by European Commission.
Organizing Committee Member at our upcoming meeting “6th World Summit on Cancer Research and Therapy”, will be held during April 19-20, 2019 at Dubai, UAE.
Editorial Board Member Online Meeting: The 1st International Electronic Conference on Plant Science (IECPS-2020) 1-15 December 2020. MSPI
PLANTS - Section: Plant Response to Abiotic Stress and Climate Change - MDPI Plants (ISSN 2223-7747; CODEN: PLANCD) MDPI
PeerJ Editor ISSN: 2167-8359 IF 2,379 PEERJ INC 341-345 OLD ST, THIRD FLR, LONDON EC1V 9LL, ENGLAND
Applied Biosciences ISSN: 2813/0464 MDPI
Guest Editor:
Guest Editor Special Issue: “Essential oils as Antimicrobial and anti-infectious Agents”. 2017 A special issue of Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049; CODEN: MOLEFW) MDPI
Guest Editor Special Issue: "Molecular Research on Bryophytes". 2019 A special issue of International Journal of Molecular Sciences (ISSN 1422-0067). This special issue belongs to the section "Molecular Plant Sciences. MDPI
Guest Editor Special Issue “Application of plant natural compounds” 2020 A special issue of Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417). This special issue belongs to the section "Applied Biosciences and Bioengineering". MDPI
Review Board: Environmental pollution,, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Chemosphere, International, Journal of Phytoremediation, Natural Product Research, Environmenta