Personal information


Giorgio Galanti MD
Professor of Medicine
Adjunct Professor Sports Medicine and Nutrition University of Pittsburg
Head Sports Medicine Department
Director of Non Invasive Cardiac Laboratory Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi Firenze
Giorgio Galanti holds the teaching of “Sports Medicine” in several courses -
Medicine, “Scienze Motorie,Fisioterapiche,Dietologiche ed Infermieristiche”- and in
Master courses - Scienza e Tecnica dello Sport, Management dello Sport e Scienze
Adattative e Preventive.
Giorgio Galanti also teaches in the “Scuola di Specializzazione in Cardiologia e
Medicina dello Sport”.
He is director of “Agenzia di Medicina dello Sport”. This structure is “Centro di
Riferimento Regionale di Diagnostiche di Medicina dello Sport” from December 1999
in the Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi; in the consulting of first, second
and third level, the agency is now linked with the network of Sports medicine
ambulatories in several USL in Florence, Prato, Empoli, Pistoia, and with
“Federazioni Sportive Italiane” of various discipline. Agency actively participate in
the scientific community, sharing the results of his research works at the domestica
and international level. Agency also operates with the “DAI - Emergenza
Accoglienza dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Careggi Firenze”.
Giorgio Galanti lived several experiences as Visiting Physician at Professor’s A.
Weyman Massachussetts General Hospital-Harvard Medical School, Boston, and at
Professor’s Sanjiv Kaul Charlottesville, Virgina and now Portland Or. Such
experiences helped him to ameliorate the organization and the efficiency of the
“Laboratorio di Cardiologia non invasiva nello sport”


Education and qualifications (1)

Università degli Studi di Firenze: Firenze, Toscana, IT

2002-01-01 to present | Professore Ordinario (Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica)
Source: Self-asserted source