Personal information

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Employment (2)

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University: Gandhinagar, Gujarat, IN

2016-01-12 to present | Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering (Civil Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr Dhruvesh Patel

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University: Gandhinagar, Gujarat, IN

2016-01-12 to present | Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering (Civil Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr Dhruvesh Patel

Education and qualifications (3)

Gujarat University: Ahmedabad, Gujarat, IN

2008-07-01 to 2011-08-01 | Ph.D. Civil Engineering (L D college of Engineering, Civil Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr Dhruvesh Patel

L D College of Engineering: Ahmedabad, Gujarat, IN

2004-06-01 to 2006-06-01 | M.E. Civil Engineering (Water Resources Management) (Civil Engineering )
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr Dhruvesh Patel

L D Engineering college: Ahmedabad, Gujarat, IN

2000-06-01 to 2004-06-01 | B.E. Civil Engineering (Civil Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr Dhruvesh Patel

Funding (1)

Flood Inundation Mapping of Surat City

2013-09 to 2013-10 | Grant
Science and Engineering Research Board (New Delhi, Delhi, IN)
Source: Self-asserted source
Dr Dhruvesh Patel

Works (46)

Dynamic Flood and Erosion Modeling for the Sabarmati River Using RUSLE and GEE

2025-03-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Nensi Sachapara; Manan Patel; Hasti Dhameliya; Keval Jodhani; Nitesh Gupta; Dhruvesh Patel; Sudhir Kumar Singh
Source: check_circle

Flood inundation mapping in “Ghed Topography” using hydrodynamic modelling and Google Earth Engine - A case of combined approach for flood assessment

ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
2025-03-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Nevil Trambadia; Dhruvesh Patel; Vinodkumar M. Patel; Manoj J. Gundalia; Anurag Bhargav
Source: check_circle

Predicting Flood Dynamics in the Narmada Basin: Integrating LULC Projections with Hydrodynamic Modelling

2025-03-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Kapil Rathod; Bhanu Parmar; Pranab Kumar Mohapatra; Dhruvesh Patel
Source: check_circle

Sustainable groundwater management through water quality index and geochemical insights in Valsad India

Scientific Reports
2025-03-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Keval H Jodhani; Nitesh Gupta; Sanidhya Dadia; Harsh Patel; Dhruvesh Patel; Punyawi Jamjareegulgarn; Sudhir Kumar Singh; Upaka Rathnayake
Source: check_circle

Identification of Sensitive Region by Short Term Shoreline Change Analysis Over Gulf of Khambhat, Gujarat

2024 | Book chapter
Contributors: Keval H. Jodhani; Dhruvesh Patel; N. Madhavan
Source: check_circle

Unravelling flood risk in the Rel River watershed, Gujarat using coupled earth observations, multi criteria decision making and Google Earth Engine

Results in Engineering
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Keval H. Jodhani; Dhruvesh Patel; N. Madhavan; Nitesh Gupta; Sudhir Kumar Singh; Upaka Rathnayake
Source: check_circle

Integrating GEE and IWQI for sustainable irrigation: A geospatial water quality assessment

Groundwater for Sustainable Development
2024-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Uttam Vyas; Dhruvesh Patel; Vinay Vakharia; Keval H. Jodhani
Source: check_circle

Channel planform dynamics using earth observations across Rel river, western India: A synergetic approach

Spatial Information Research
2024-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Keval H. Jodhani; Dhruvesh Patel; N. Madhavan; Utsav Soni; Haard Patel; Sudhir Kumar Singh
Source: check_circle

Preface: Advances in pluvial and fluvial flood forecasting and assessment and flood risk management

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
2024-10-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Cristina Prieto; Dhruvesh Patel; Dawei Han; Benjamin Dewals; Michaela Bray; Daniela Molinari
Source: check_circle

Unveiling Seasonal Fluctuations in Air Quality Using Google Earth Engine: A Case Study for Gujarat, India

Topics in Catalysis
2024-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Keval H. Jodhani; Nitesh Gupta; Aditya D. Parmar; Jimit D. Bhavsar; Dhruvesh Patel; Sudhir Kumar Singh; Umank Mishra; Padam Jee Omar; Ganesh Ji Omar
Source: check_circle

Synergizing google earth engine and earth observations for potential impact of land use/ land cover on air quality

Results in Engineering
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Keval H. Jodhani; Nitesh Gupta; Aditya D. Parmar; Jimit D. Bhavsar; Haard Patel; Dhruvesh Patel; Sudhir Kumar Singh; Umank Mishra; Padam jee Omar
Source: check_circle

Soil Erosion Assessment by RUSLE, Google Earth Engine, and Geospatial Techniques over Rel River Watershed, Gujarat, India

Water Conservation Science and Engineering
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Keval H. Jodhani; Dhruvesh Patel; N. Madhavan; Sudhir Kumar Singh
Source: check_circle

Development of a 2D hydrodynamic model for inundation assessment and flood early warning system: a case of depressed Ghed region, India

Water Practice & Technology
2023-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Nevil K. Trambadia; Dhruvesh P. Patel; Vinodkumar M. Patel; Manoj J. Gundalia
Source: check_circle

UAV based High-resolution DEM for 1D Hydrodynamic modeling - A case of Flood Assessment of Sabarmati River, Gujarat, India.

2023-05-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Mrunalini Rana; Dhruvesh Patel; Vinay Vakhria
Source: check_circle

Comparison of two open-source digital elevation models for 1D hydrodynamic flow analysis: a case of Ozat River basin, Gujarat, India

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment
2022-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Nevil K. Trambadia; Dhruvesh P. Patel; Vinodkumar M. Patel; Manoj J. Gundalia
Source: check_circle

Groundwater Potential Zone Mapping Using an Integrated Approach of GIS-Based AHP-TOPSIS in Ujjain District, Madhya Pradesh, India

Water Conservation Science and Engineering
2022-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Nilesh Patidar; Usman Mohseni; Azazkhan I. Pathan; P. G. Agnihotri
Source: check_circle

Integrated approach of AHP and TOPSIS (MCDM) techniques with GIS for dam site suitability mapping: a case study of Navsari City, Gujarat, India

Environmental Earth Sciences
2022-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Azazkhan Ibrahimkhan Pathan; Prasit Girish Agnihotri; Dhruvesh Patel
Source: check_circle

Deep Learning Solutions for Analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar Imageries

2022-06-10 | Book chapter
Contributors: Nimrabanu Memon; Samir B. Patel; Dhruvesh P. Patel
Source: check_circle

Flood Assessment Using Hydrodynamic HEC-RAS Modelling

2022-06-10 | Book chapter
Contributors: Vaishali I. Rana; Azazkhan I. Pathan; Dhruvesh P. Patel; Prasit G. Agnihotri; Samir B. Patel
Source: check_circle

Flood risk mapping using multi-criteria analysis (TOPSIS) model through geospatial techniques- A case study of the Navsari city, Gujarat, India

2022-05-09 | Preprint
Contributors: Azazkhan Ibrahimkhan Pathan; Dr. Prasit Girish Agnihotri; Dr. Saif Said; Dr. Dhruvesh Patel; Dr. Cristina Prieto; Usman Mohsini; Nilesh Patidar; Dr.Pankaj Gandhi; Khushboo Jariwala; Bojan Đurin et al.
Source: check_circle

An Integrated Approach of AHP-GIS Based Dam Site Suitability Mapping - A Noval Approach for Flood Alleviating Measures

2022-03-27 | Preprint
Contributors: Saran Raaj; Azazkhan Pathan; Usman Mohseni; Nilesh Patidar; Khushboo jariwala; Nitin Kachhawa; Dr. P.G Agnihotri; Dr. Dhruvesh Patel; Dr. Cristina Prieto; Dr. Pankaj Gandhi et al.
Source: check_circle

Application of frequency ratio modelling technique for predictive flooded area susceptibility mapping using remote sensing and GIS

2022-03-27 | Preprint
Contributors: Khushboo Jariwala; Prasit Agnihotri; Dhruvesh Patel; Azaz Pathan; Usman Mohseni; Nilesh Patidar
Source: check_circle

GIS-Based Mapping of Groundwater Potential Zones Using AHP for Ujjain District, Madhya Pradesh, India

2022-03-27 | Preprint
Contributors: Nilesh Patidar; Usman Mohseni; Azazkhan Pathan; Saran Raaj; Dr. P.G Agnihotri; Khushboo Jariwala; Nidhi Chandarana; Dr. Dhruvesh Patel; Dr. Cristina Prieto; Dr. Bojan Đurin
Source: check_circle

Groundwater Quality Assessment Using CCME WQI and GIS Technique for Ujjain City, India

2022-03-27 | Preprint
Contributors: Usman Mohseni; Nilesh Patidar; Azazkhan Pathan; Saran Raaj; Nitin Kachhawa; Dr. P.G Agnihotri; Dr. Dhruvesh Patel; Dr. Cristina Prieto; Dr. Pankaj Gandhi; Dr. Bojan Durin
Source: check_circle

A flood assessment of data scarce region using an open-source 2D hydrodynamic modeling and Google Earth Image: a case of Sabarmati flood, India

Arabian Journal of Geosciences
2021-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Ujas Pandya; Dhruvesh P. Patel; Sudhir Kumar Singh
Source: check_circle

Identifying the efficacy of tidal waves on flood assessment study — a case of coastal urban flooding

Arabian Journal of Geosciences
2021-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Azazkhan Ibrahimkhan Pathan; Prasit Girish Agnihotri; Dhruvesh Patel; Cristina Prieto
Source: check_circle

Watershed Prioritization and Decision Making Based On Weighted Sum Analysis, Feature Ranking and Machine Learning Techniques.

2021-05-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Kishanlal Ramlal Darji; Dhruvesh Prehladbhai Patel; Vinay Vakharia; Jaimin Panchal; Amit Kumar Dubey; Praveen Gupta; Raghavendra P Singh
Source: check_circle

Improving assessment of flood inundation of Navsari (India) via open-source data and HEC-RAS model

2021-03-03 | Other
Contributors: Azazkhan Ibrahimkhan Pathan; Dr.Prasit Girishbhai Agnihotri; Dr. Dhruvesh Patel; Dr. Critina Prieto
Source: check_circle

Preface: Advances in flood risk assessment and management

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
2020-04-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Cristina Prieto; Dhruvesh Patel; Dawei Han
Source: check_circle

High-resolution DEM Creation using a UAV for Flood Inundation Hydrodynamic Modeling- A Case of Rel River Flood, Gujarat, India

2020-03-23 | Other
Contributors: Dhruvesh Patel; Raviraj Dave; Amit Kumar Dubey; Praveen Kumar Gupta; Raghavendra Singh
Source: check_circle

Integrated framework for flood relief package (FRP) allocation in semiarid region: a case of Rel River flood, Gujarat, India

Natural Hazards
2020-01-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Nimrabanu Memon; Dhruvesh P. Patel; Naimish Bhatt; Samir B. Patel
Source: check_circle

Comparative Analysis of Artificial Neural Network and XGBoost Algorithm for PolSAR Image Classification

2019 | Book chapter
Contributors: Nimrabanu Memon; Samir B. Patel; Dhruvesh P. Patel
Source: check_circle

Comments to the Authors

2018-12-31 | Other
Contributors: Dhruvesh Patel
Source: check_circle

Referees opinion for the revised manuscript

2018-12-24 | Other
Contributors: Dhruvesh Patel
Source: check_circle

Review comments

2018-11-26 | Other
Contributors: Dhruvesh Patel
Source: check_circle

Reviewer notification of decision on Manuscript nhess-2018-212

2018-11-17 | Other
Contributors: Dhruvesh Patel
Source: check_circle

Reviewer notification of decision on Manuscript nhess-2018-212

2018-11-17 | Other
Contributors: Dhruvesh Patel
Source: check_circle

Thank you for submitting your review of Manuscript ID nhess-2018-212 for NHESS

2018-11-17 | Other
Contributors: Dhruvesh Patel
Source: check_circle

Thank you for submitting your review of Manuscript ID nhess-2018-212 for NHESS

2018-11-17 | Other
Contributors: Dhruvesh Patel
Source: check_circle

Thank you for submitting your review of Manuscript ID nhess-2018-265for NHESS

2018-11-17 | Other
Contributors: Dhruvesh Patel
Source: check_circle

Comments to the Authors

2018-10-20 | Other
Contributors: Dhruvesh Patel
Source: check_circle

Comments to the Authors

2018-10-20 | Other
Contributors: Dhruvesh Patel
Source: check_circle

Thank you for submitting your review of Manuscript ID nhess-2018-223 for NHESS

2018-10-14 | Other
Contributors: Dhruvesh Patel
Source: check_circle

Minor revision

2018-08-23 | Other
Contributors: Dhruvesh Patel
Source: check_circle

Flood modeling can make a difference: Disaster risk-reduction and resilience-building in urban areas

2016-11-18 | Other
Contributors: Jorge A. Ramirez; Umamaheshwaran Rajasekar; Dhruvesh P. Patel; Tom J. Coulthard; Margreth Keiler
Source: check_circle

Runoff potential estimation of Anjana Khadi Watershed using SWAT model in the part of lower Tapi Basin, West India

Sustainable Water Resources Management
2016-03 | Journal article
Source: check_circle

Peer review (18 reviews for 12 publications/grants)

Review activity for Arabian journal of geosciences. (1)
Review activity for Heliyon. (1)
Review activity for Humanities & social sciences communications. (1)
Review activity for Journal of hydraulic engineering. (1)
Review activity for Journal of hydrology. (1)
Review activity for Journal of hydrology. (1)
Review activity for Journal of the Geological Society of India. (1)
Review activity for Modeling earth systems and environment. (1)
Review activity for Natural hazards. (4)
Review activity for Photonirvachak Journal of Indian Society of Photo-interpretation and Remote Sensing. (4)
Review activity for Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy. Part A, Physical Sciences (1)
Review activity for Water resources management. (1)