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Aleksandar Žigić (1960), Ph.D., research associate, employed full-time at the Nikola Tesla Institute of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade (INT), in R&D group of the Center for Electrical Measurements. By academic education, he is an electronics engineer and his field of research are: measurements, nuclear instrumentation and telecommunications. He published over 60 scientific and professional papers. Metrics overview (63 Citations /excluding self-citations and 4 h-index, according to the SCOPUS database).
Education: PhD degree at Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electronics, 1995. M.Sc. degree at Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electronics, 1988. Graduate Engineer at Electrical Engineering University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electronics, 1984.
Membership of professional bodies: -
Employment: 2006 - current (full time) at Nikola Tesla Institute of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, 1985-2006 (full time) Institute of Nuclear Sciences – Vinča, University of Belgrade, 1984-1985 (full time) Industry of Machinery “Ivo Lola Ribar”, Lola-Computers.

Professional experience record: At Industry of Machinery “Ivo Lola Ribar”, Lola-Computers, he worked in the field of microcontrollers’ software development. At Institute of Nuclear Sciences – Vinča, University of Belgrade he worked in the field of nuclear instrumentation. There, he was Project Leader for the Project of Technology Development and Electronics.Laboratory Manager. At Nikola Tesla Institute of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, he has been working in the fields of research and development of systems for noncontact temperature measurements, systems for dynamic mass measurements, systems for thermal imaging, devices for analyzing characteristics of measurement transformers, systems for analyzing stability of transformer oils and systems for partial discharge monitoring.