Personal information

Mineral spectroscopy, Mineral Exploration, Remote sensing, Hyperspectral, Mining


Employment (1)

CSIRO: North Ryde, AU

Source: check_circle

Education and qualifications (1)

Royal School of Mines: London, London, GB

1974-06-01 to present | PhD, DIC (Geology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jon Huntington

Professional activities (2)

CSIRO Australian Resources Research Centre: Kensington, WA, AU

2017-07-01 to present | Honorary Fellow (Mineral Resources)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Jon Huntington

Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering: Melbourne, Victoria, AU

1997-06-01 to present | Fellow
Source: Self-asserted source
Jon Huntington

Works (17)

Critical metals in laterite related to pegmatite mineral systems of the western Yilgarn Craton (Li, W, Sn, Ta, REE)

2021-12-01 | Report
Contributors: Noble, Ryan; Alexander Otto; Heta Lampinen; Jon Huntington; Guillerma Tenten Pinchand
Source: check_circle

Mineralogy, Mineral Chemistry and SWIR Spectral Reflectance of Chlorite and White Mica

2021-04 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Jonathan Cloutier; Stephen Piercey; Jon Huntington
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 3)‎

A comparison between three sparse unmixing algorithms using a large library of shortwave infrared mineral spectra

2017-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Mark Berman; Bischof, Leanne; Lagerstrom, Ryan; Guo, Yi; Jon Huntington; Mason, Peter
Source: check_circle

Applications of hyperspectral mineralogy for geoenvironmental characterisation

2017-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Fox, Nathan; Parbhakar-Fox, Anita; Moltzen, Jake; Feig, S.; Goemann, Karsten; Jon Huntington
Source: check_circle

HyLogger-3, a visible to shortwave and thermal infrared reflectance spectrometer system for drill core logging: Functional description

2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Schodlok, Martin; Whitbourn, Lew; Jon Huntington; Mason, Peter; Green, A.A.; Mark Berman; Coward, David; Connor, Phil; Wright, Warren; Jolivet, Marc et al.
Source: check_circle

Hyperspectral interpretation of selected drill cores from orogenic gold deposits in central Victoria, Australia

2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Arne, Dennis; House, E.; Pontual, S.; Jon Huntington
Source: check_circle

Hyperspectral logging of middle Cambrian marine sediments with hydrocarbon prospectivity: a case study from the southern Georgina Basin, northern Australia

2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Ayling, Bridget; Jon Huntington; Smith, Belinda; Edwards, Dianne
Source: check_circle

Uncovering the mineralogy of the Australian Continent: the AuScope National Virtual Core Library. A national hyperspectrally derived drill-core archive

2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Jon Huntington
Source: check_circle

A reference library of thermal infrared mineral reflectance spectra for the HyLogger-3 drill core logging system

2016-10-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Jon Huntington
Source: check_circle

CSIRO VNIR spectral library - Evaluation and status report 2016

2016-09-02 | Report
Contributors: Laukamp, Carsten; Lau, Ian; Jon Huntington; Whitbourn, Lew; Mason, Peter
Source: check_circle

CSIRO Shortwave infrared spectral library – Evaluation and status report 2016

2016-08-30 | Report
Contributors: Lau, Ian; Laukamp, Carsten; Mason, Peter; Warren, Peter; Jon Huntington; Whitbourn, Lew
Source: check_circle

CSIRO Thermal infrared spectral library - Part 1: Evaluation and status report 2015 & Part 2: Spectrum file cards

2015-07-30 | Report
Contributors: Laukamp, Carsten; Lau, Ian; Mason, Peter; Warren, Peter; Jon Huntington; Whitbourn, Lew; Wright, Warren; Connor, Phil; Fewre, Richard; Wang, Rui
Source: check_circle

Challenges Around Validating Spectral Interpretation Algorithms Against Spectral Libraries and Human Interpreters

2015-04-23 | Report
Contributors: Mark Berman; Jon Huntington
Source: check_circle

HyMap surveys acquired during EOC science campaigns

2014-04-08 | Dataset
Contributors: Cindy Ong; Cudahy, Tom; Michael Caccetta; Rodger, Andrew; Lau, Ian; Laukamp, Carsten; Possingham, Alex; Campbell, Susan; David Jupp; Edward King et al.
Source: check_circle

Mapping the chemical composition of nickel laterites with reflectance spectroscopy at Koniambo, New Caledonia

2013-10-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Whitbourn, Lew; Mason, Peter; Jon Huntington
Source: check_circle

An Unmixing Algorithm Based on a Large Library of Shortwave Infrared Spectra

2011-11-10 | Report
Contributors: Mark Berman; Bischof, Leanne; Lagerstrom, Ryan; Guo, Yi; Jon Huntington; Mason, Peter
Source: check_circle

Epidote-clinozoisite as a hyperspectral tool in exploration for Archaean gold

2011-09-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Roache, Tony; Walshe, John; Jon Huntington; Quigley, Mel; Yang, Kai; Bil, Bartek; Blake, Kevin; Hyvärinen, Timo
Source: check_circle