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Employment (1)

Universitetet i Oslo: Oslo, NO

2018-09 to present | Ph.D.
Source: Self-asserted source
Anneke T.M. ter Schure

Works (6)

Sedimentary ancient DNA metabarcoding as a tool for assessing prehistoric plant use at the Upper Paleolithic cave site Aghitu-3, Armenia

Journal of Human Evolution
2022-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Anneke T.M. ter Schure; Angela A. Bruch; Andrew W. Kandel; Boris Gasparyan; Rainer W. Bussmann; Anne K. Brysting; Hugo J. de Boer; Sanne Boessenkool
Source: check_circle

Synchronous vegetation response to the last glacial-interglacial transition in northwest Europe

Springer Science and Business Media LLC
2022-06-09 | Other
Contributors: Stefan Engels; Christine S. Lane; Aritina Haliuc; Wim Hoek; F Muschitiello; Ilaria Baneschi; A Bouwman; Christopher Bronk Ramsey; J Collins; R De Bruijn et al.
Source: check_circle

Anthropogenic and environmental drivers of vegetation change in southeastern Norway during the Holocene

Quaternary Science Reviews
2021-10 | Journal article
Contributors: A.T.M. ter Schure; M. Bajard; K. Loftsgarden; H.I. Høeg; E. Ballo; J. Bakke; E.W.N. Støren; F. Iversen; A. Kool; A.K. Brysting et al.
Source: check_circle

eDNA metabarcoding reveals dietary niche overlap among herbivores in an Indian wildlife sanctuary

Environmental DNA
2021-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Anneke T.M. ter Schure; Anusree A.S. Pillai; Lisbeth Thorbek; Maradani Bhavani Shankar; Rajindra Puri; Gudasalamani Ravikanth; Hugo J. de Boer; Sanne Boessenkool
Source: check_circle

Investigating predictive tools for refinery effluent hazard assessment using stream mesocosms

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
2019 | Journal article


Contributors: Cailleaud, K.; Bassères, A.; Gelber, C.; Postma, J.F.; ter Schure, A.T.M.; Leonards, P.E.G.; Redman, A.D.; Whale, G.F.; Spence, M.J.; Hjort, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Anneke T.M. ter Schure via Scopus - Elsevier

Short-term soil bioassays may not reveal the full toxicity potential for nanomaterials; bioavailability and toxicity of silver ions (AgNO3) and silver nanoparticles to earthworm Eisenia fetida in long-term aged soils

Environmental Pollution
2015-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Maria Diez-Ortiz; Elma Lahive; Suzanne George; Anneke Ter Schure; Cornelis A.M. Van Gestel; Kerstin Jurkschat; Claus Svendsen; David J. Spurgeon
Source: check_circle
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