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Raquel Font-Lladó achieved her Ph.D at the University of Barcelona in 2007 with the thesis: Permanent training of primary Physical Education teachers and moral education. A case study. It was directed by Francesc Imbernon Ph.D. and Maria Prat Grau Ph.D.
In her research training stage, she was mainly linked to different research groups: Universidad de Costa Rica (Adequacy of curricula in Sport Science degree), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Physical Education and Values education), and Universitat de Barcelona (Teacher Training). Later, she was linked to Universitat de Girona (Constructivism and situated learning), Suffolk University (Didactics in Higher education), McGill University (Motor Learning and exercise), and Universidade Tras os Montes (Motor Development and Didactics of Physical Education). In 2011 she founded the PHAS Research- Physical Activity and Sport Research (GRAD0001), a research group of EUSES that led for 3 years. Nowadays, she performs her research at the University School of Health and Sport (EUSES). She co-directs the research line Physical Education, Health and Children with Anna Prats-Puig PhD. Her recent research is focused on children's development and includes topics such as coaches and teachers training, Physical Education curricula, motor development, physical activity, and emotions. She has participated in some international congresses and scientific papers about Sports Science and Didactics, and she has written and contributed to 13 books widely related to Physical Education.
Related to leading experiences, she was led, joint with Rafael Magrinyà, the design, and implementation of the Bologna process in Sports Science degree in EUSES (2009-2012) with more than 25 teachers implicated. Subsequently, for the next three years, she was the Director of the Sports Science degree (2012-2015). In the sports field, she was the Logistics Manager of the XVI World Rogaining Championship where 50 volunteers helped the event occur in the best way (2019).
Finally, in the field of teaching, she has experience in Secondary School and University. She has been a Physical Education teacher in a compulsory Secondary School, and in School for young prosecuted (2005-2007). Also, she has been an associate professor at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (2005-2008) and Universitat de Girona (2007-2009) teaching Didactics of Physical Education. Currently, she holds a full-time lectureship on the Sports Science degree at the University School of Health and Sport (EUSES). She teaches subjects related to Motor Development and Didactics of Physical Education. Furthermore, she lectures on Motor development at the University masters’ degree in Pediatrics Podology (Universitat de Barcelona) and Physical Education evaluation at the University masters’ degree in Compulsory Secondary Education (Universitat Ramon Llull). In the sports sector, she has trained some youth basketball teams, also youth orienteering athletes. At this moment, she takes part in the technical staff at Federació Catalana d’Orientació, in the Technique development and performance area.
Employment (3)
Education and qualifications (2)
Works (22)