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Dr. Getachew Neme Tolesa is an Associate Professor in Food Process Engineering, holds his Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Engineering from University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. His PhD was entitled with "Modelling of Micro-Environment inside Evaporatively and CoolBot Cooled Stores Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Models and Changes in Quality of Stored Tomatoes". Moreover, he got his M.Sc. in Food Technology: Major in Postharvest and Food Preservation Engineering, Katholic University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven) and University of Gent (UGent), Belgium with thesis entitled as “Effect of High-Pressure Homogenization in Combination with Thermal Processing on the Lycopene Stability”. He also got his B.Sc. degree from Haramaya University, Ethiopia in Food Science and Postharvest Technology. He had been a postdoctoral researcher at University of KwaZulu-Natal, School of Engineering, South Africa and a current staff member of Haramaya Institute of Technology, Haramaya University, Ethiopia. His research interest focuses on Postharvest technology/engineering; computer aided modeling of biological processes and qualities of fresh produce; food science and technology; food engineering; food processing/value addition optimization processes; and food science & nutrition related issues.
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