Personal information

Statistical process control, Profile monitoring, Change point estimation


Amirhossein Amiri is a Professor in Industrial Engineering at Shahed University in Iran. He holds a BS, MS, and PhD in Industrial Engineering from Khajeh Nasir University of Technology, Iran University of Science and Technology, and Tarbiat Modares University in Iran, respectively. He is now the director of Postgraduate Education at Shahed University in Iran and a member of the Iranian Statistical Association. His research interests are statistical process monitoring, profile monitoring, and change point estimation. He has published many papers in the area of statistical process control in high quality international journals such as Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Communications in Statistics, Computers and Industrial Engineering and so on. He has also published a book with John Wiley and Sons in 2011 titled Statistical Analysis of Profile Monitoring.


Employment (1)

Shahed University: Tehran, Tehran, IR

2009 to present | Faculty member (Industrial Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Amirhossein Amiri

Education and qualifications (3)

Tarbiat Modares University: Tehran, Tehran, IR

2004 to 2008 | Ph.D. (Industrial Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Amirhossein Amiri

Iran University of Science and Technology: Tehran, Tehran, IR

2002 to 2004 | M.Sc. (Industrial Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Amirhossein Amiri

KN Toosi University of Technology Faculty of Industrial Engineering: Tehran, Tehran, IR

1997 to 2002 | B.Sc. (Industrial Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Amirhossein Amiri

Peer review (48 reviews for 16 publications/grants)

Review activity for Communications in statistics. (3)
Review activity for Communications in statistics. (5)
Review activity for Computers & industrial engineering. (2)
Review activity for IISE transactions. (1)
Review activity for International journal of production research. (1)
Review activity for International journal of quality & reliability management. (1)
Review activity for Journal of applied statistics. (3)
Review activity for Journal of industrial and production engineering. (1)
Review activity for Journal of industrial engineering international (5)
Review activity for Neural computing & applications. (1)
Review activity for Quality and reliability engineering international. (17)
Review activity for Quality engineering. (1)
Review activity for Quality technology & quantitative management. (1)
Review activity for Scientia iranica (2)
Review activity for Statistical computation and simulation. (1)
Review activity for Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control (3)