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Yadollah Yamini was born in 1968 in Dizajkhalil (Shabestar, Iran) and obtained his B.Sc. from Mazandaran University (Babolsar, Iran, 1990), his M.Sc. from Tarbiat Modares University (Tehran, Iran, 1992) under supervision of Dr M. Ashraf Khorassani, and his Ph.D. from Tarbiat Modares University (1996) under supervision of Prof. M. Shamsipur. He has been a faculty member of Tarbiat Modares University since 1997 and was promoted to Professor in 2006. Professor Yamini's research involves the development of sample preparation methods based on elimination or reduction of organic solvents such as solid phase extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, solvent microextration, solid phase microextraction, electromembrane microextraction and supramolecular solvent microextraction. He is referee of manuscripts for more than 90 different ISI journals. Since 2009, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Iranian Chemical Society. He has published more than 436 scientific articles in ISI journals (24 Reviews and 412 original papers). Also he wrote 7 chapter books for Elsevier, American Chemical Society and Taylor and Francis publishers. He has graduated 70 MSc and 37 PhD students. He is one of the editorial boards of Microchimica Acta (Springer Journal), Advances in Sample Preparation and Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis (Elsevier Journals) and Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Research (Iranian Chemical Society Journal). He has been one of the committee board of Iranian Chemical Society since 2008. He has been selected as 1% of scientist by ISI since 2009. His h-Index based on Google Scolar and Scopus are 79 and 70 respectively. He has taught the subjects 1. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry (BSc), 2. Instrumental methods of Analysis (BSc), 3. Advanced Analytical Chemistry (MSc), 4. Physical and Chemical Methods of Separations (MSc), 5. New Approaches in Analytical Chemistry (PhD) and 6. Modern Physical and Chemical Methods of Separations (PhD). His awards are: 1) 24th Khwarizmi International Award, Feb. 5th, 2011, Tehran, Iran., 2) Laureate Professor of Tarbiat Modares University on 2004. 3) Laureate Professor of Tarbiat Modares University on 2013. 4) Distinguished Youngest Iranian Analytical Chemist by Iranian Chemistry Society on 2013. 5) Distinguished Researcher by Ministry of Science, Research and Technology on 2014. Finally his research interests are: 1) Supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography, 2) Solid phase extraction and solid phase micro extraction, 3) Application of hollow fiber liquid membranes, 4) Electromembrane extraction, 5) Magnetically nanoparticles, synthesis and applications in analytical chemistry, 6) Supramolecular solvents and their application in sample preparation, 7) Lab on a chip and its applications in sample preparation.